History of Computers

  • George Stibitz invents complex calculator

    George Stibitz invents complex calculator
    His calculatered was the first of its kind and was able to do math that no other calculator could.
    It's important because it is the base for modern digital computors.
  • The computer Mouse is invented.

    The computer Mouse is invented.
    Douglas Engelbart inventes the first mouse, he named it the mouse because the sire coming out of the mouse was like the a tail.
    It's important because we use mice/trackpad everytime we use the computer.
  • Intel Invents RAM

    Intel Invents RAM
    Intel invented RAM (random access memory) which the CPU uses to store data for processing.
    It's important because almost every computer on the planet uses RAM.
  • Floppy Disks Invented

    Floppy Disks Invented
    Floppy disks invented to hold space that the RAM can't.
    It's important because the floppy disk neede to be created for their to to be CD's.
  • Portable Computers

    Portable Computers
    Altair builds the first portable computer.
    It's important because it was the first laptop made, so people could move and still have their small computor without having lug around their big one, but it was still pretty big.
  • First Mac.

    First Mac.
    The first Macintosh came out in 1984 and wasn't great for business things but was good for education and fun.
    It's important because it was the first of the mac computers which are very popular today.
  • CD-ROM invented

    CD-ROM invented
    CD-ROM were invented by Sony so, computer could use CDs.
    It's important because CD-ROMs let CDs go to computer and made sharing things a lot easier.
  • World Wide Web Created

    World Wide Web Created
    The world wide web was created and only had 50 servers in the beginning of the year.
    It's important because it allows people to connect with eachother on their computers.
  • First PDA

    First PDA
    PDA comes out which is like a little computer that fits in your hand.
    PDA's were revolutionary because they scaled down computer to fit into your pocket.
  • Toy Story is released.

    Toy Story is released.
    Toy Story is the first movie ever to be totally created by computers.
    It's important because no one has ever done it before.