Computer programming 654x427

History of Computer Programming

  • Grace Hopper and the First Programming Language

    Grace Hopper and the First Programming Language
    In 1952, Grace Hopper completed A-0, which was a revolutionary system that allowed for programmers to give computers instructions in English-like words, instead of just numbers. It is widely considered the first true programming language, which is why it is seen as the beginning of Computer Programming, with Grace Hopper as the first computer programmer.
  • The Introduction of Fortran

    The Introduction of Fortran
    In 1957, IBM (International Business Machines) released Fortran, a scientific programming language that uses statements to write efficient code. Throughout history, Fortran is the most common programming language.
  • ASCII Is Developed

    ASCII Is Developed
    In 1963, the American Standard Code for Information Interchange is developed and released by the U.S. government. The intended purpose was to act as a translator, allowing devices from different manufacturers to communicate and exchange data.
  • Unix Changes the Industry

    Unix Changes the Industry
    In 1969, two programmers from AT&T create the Unix operating system on a spare computer. It is the basis for a large portion of the modern computing infrastructure.
  • Pascal is Released

    Pascal is Released
    In 1970, this programming language named after a French mathematician was released. It was widely celebrated by both the scientific and commercial community. It's also famously easy to learn, making it a favorite of programming professors across the world.
  • C is Introduced

    C is Introduced
    In 1972, C was released. Soon after, the source code of Unix was reprogrammed in C, making both the programming language and operating system more popular. While C is fairly common today, it is almost inseparable from Unix's successor, Linux.
  • Microsoft Unveils Word

    Microsoft Unveils Word
    In 1983, Microsoft word (originally dubbed Multi-Tool Word) is announced. Though this version of the software was unpopular (as it was not released on Windows until later), this event is notable because this is the predecessor to all other Word versions.
  • Invention of the Internet

    Invention of the Internet
    In 1983, the method of rapidly sharing data across the world that we know as the internet was adopted by ARPANET (the largest data sharing company at the time) on January 1, 1983.
  • C++ Is Published

    C++ Is Published
    In 1985, Bjarne Stroustrup publishes a book about AT&T's new programming language that he helped develop, and in the aftermath the language emerged as the industry's dominant object-oriented language.
  • Dawn of the World Wide Web

    Dawn of the World Wide Web
    In 1989, Tim Berners-Lee invented the World Wide Web (www) as we know it today. In contradiction to popular belief, the WWW and the Internet are seperate, as the WWW is just the most popular way of sharing data on the internet, through web pages and hyperlinks.
  • Windows 3.0 is Shipped

    Windows 3.0 is Shipped
    In 1990, Microsoft released the first successful version of the Windows operating system. Additionally, for the first time, Microsoft included Microsoft Word, Excel, and Powerpoint.
  • The Original Photoshop

    The Original Photoshop
    In 1991, Adobe Systems released it's first version of the revolutionary image editing software Photoshop. The software was compatible with Macintosh and Windows.
  • Linux Enters the Arena

    Linux Enters the Arena
    In 1991, the first version of the modern operating system Linux (the Linux Kernel) was released to several private groups who worked to develop and improve the operating system. A year later, it was released to the public, and it's modern variant is used on the majority of servers in the world.
  • Meet Java 1.0

    Meet Java 1.0
    In 1995, this program operator was released by Sun Microsystems. The software made a name for itself by allowing programs to run on any machine, allowing users a degree of independence from software giants like Apple and Microsoft.
  • Javascript is Introduced

    Javascript is Introduced
    In 1997, this scripting language was developed by Brendan Eich. It is used commonly on the internet, both by the server and user interface. Despite it's similar name to Java, it is completely unrelated.
  • The First Modern Programming Language

    The First Modern Programming Language
    In 2002, C# was developed by a Microsoft team for internal use. Later on, it was released to the public and is now the most popular programming language in history. This was the first programming language to be developed in a style that is distinctly recognizable as of the modern day.