history of Computer

  • 300 BCE


    This was a computer used by the Chinese and other people to calculate math. It was first seen in the acient rome called the hanheld abacus 300bce
  • First general purpose computing device

    First general purpose computing device
    Charles Babbage design the Analytical Engine which was able to do calculatons and computing via punch cards
  • The first Processor

    The first Processor
    Nickola Tesla Patents the electric logic circuits called "gates and switch" this was the first steps in creating the first processor
  • Period: to

    The uses of Magnetic storage

    This type of storage uses metal magnetic tape and high speed tape to write data.
  • Period: to

    Use of severs

    The early jobs of a sever were to run programs when requested and to store files when nesscary
  • networking implemented

    networking implemented
    The planning of NPL network started. They started to use packet switching.
  • Floppy storage

    Floppy storage
    The next new thing was the floppy disc. It was portable storage that could store files. ti was cheap and better than before.
  • Intel Creates the first Micro Processor

    Intel Creates the first Micro Processor
    This was the worlds first microprocessor it had 2300 transistors and could do 60000 operations a second
  • Period: to

    The first appearances of www

    When the internet started people started to find ways of organizing way thingns can be found.
  • MAC OS

    MAC OS
    this os was called the classic came out along with the first apple computer.
  • Windows was introduced

    Windows was introduced
    This operating system was created for personal computers and severs. At first it was just and interface manger instead of an os
  • Sd Storage

    Sd Storage
    An even smaller form of portable storage. It can hold more files and is very universal.
  • Cloud stoarage

    Today everything is stored in the cloud which means that files are store on servers far away making it convience for people it acces all over the world