Walter Sutton and Theodor Boveri
Walter Sutton observed chromosomal movement and discovered that choromosomes occur in pairs and named Mendel's functions genes (with Theodor Boveri). -
Nettie Stevens and Edmund Wilson
Nettie Stevens and Edmund Wilson seperatley discovered differences in female (XX) and male (XY) chromosomes. -
William Bateson and Reginald Punnett
William Bateson coined the word genetics and showed that some genes are linked (with Reginald Punnett). -
Archibald Garrod
Archibald Garrod reported the recessive nature of the condition followed Mendel's principles and called it an inborn error of metabolism. -
Godfrey Hardy and Wilhelm Weinberg
Godfrey Hardy and Wilhelm Weinberg established the Hardy-Weinberg theorom and found the results of cross 2 heterozygous. MM 2MN NN -
Thomas Morgan
Thomas Morgan proved that genses are carried on chromosomes. He also started using fruit flies and demonstrated the existance of sex-linked genes. -
Alfred Sturtevant and Estella Elinor Carothers
Alfred Sturtevant created the first gene map and Estella Elinor Carothers showed the first conclusive evidence that chrosomes are independently assorted. -
RA Fisher, Sewell Wright, and JBS Haldane
RA Fisher, Sewell Wright, and JBS Haldane were pro-eugenics. -
Herman Muller
Herman Muller showed that fruit flies mutated more when exposed to x-rays. -
Frederick Griffith
Frederick Griffith discovered the tranformation of bacteria using virulent "S" and non-virulant "R". -
George Beadle and Edward Tatum
George Beadle and Edward Tatum presented the one gene encodes for one enzyme/protein theory. -
Oswald Avery
Oswald Avery reasoned that Griffith's transforming factor was inside the bacteria and proved that DNA carries genese and insprired Watson and Crick. -
Oswald Avery, Colin Macleod, and Maclyn McCarty
Oswald Avery, Colin Macleod, and Maclyn McCarty isolate DNA as genetic material. -
Erwin Chargaff
Erwin Chargaff determined that there is always a ratio of 1:1 for adenine and thyamine. 3 years later this would determine the structure of DNA. -
Rosalind Franklin
Rosalind Franlkin obtains x-ray diffraction images of DNA. -
Alfred Hershey and Martha Chase
Alfred Hershey and Martha Chase performed "blender" experiments. They tagged bacteriophages using radioactive isotopes Phosphorous 32 and Sulfur 35. -
James Watson and Francis Crick
James Watson and Francis Crick used all the known clues of DNA's structure to construct a model. The molecule could unzip. -
Stanley Miller and Harold Urey
Stanley Miller and Harold Urey demonstrate the formation of simple organic molecules from molecules thought to be abundant on early Earth. -
Francis Crick and George Gamov
Francis Crick and George Gamov worked out the central dogma stating that DNA transcribes into messenger RNA, which translaes into protein. Ammended in '57. mRNA. -
Marshall Nirenberg and Severo Ochoa
Marshall Nirenberg and Severo Ochoa discovered specific nucleotide sequences in groups of 3 determine 20 amino acids. -
Paul Berg
Paul Berg cut sections of viral DNA and bacterial DNA with the same restriction enzyme. DNA was compatible and he spliced them. -
Stanley Cohen and Herbert Boyer
Stanley Cohen and Herbert Boyer created a plasmid. Cohen's group cloned the first animal gene and placed it in a bacteria. -
Herb Boyer
Herb Boyer cofounds the first bitech company, Genentech. -
Collaborative Project
The first practical application of genetic engineering and clone research began. -
Frederick Sanger
Frederick Sanger developed the chain termination method for sequencing DNA. -
Collaborative Project
The development of automated sequencing technology accelerates genome projects.