History Of Basketball

  • First Rules Released

    First Rules Released
    This changed the game to make it official and fair.
  • First College Basketball Game

    First College Basketball Game
    This formed rivalries and allowed fans from all around the US to get into the game.
  • First Professional Basketball Game

    First Professional Basketball Game
    This allowed college athletes to continue to play after their college careers ended.
  • FIBA

    International Basketball Association became a major organization for all basketball players around the globe.
  • Olympic Debut

    Olympic Debut
    Basketball joined the growing list of Olympic sports, allowing it to be veiwed and enjoyed around the world.
  • First Basketball Game Televised

    First Basketball Game Televised
    This was a major step towards a more active and involded community of fans.
  • NBA

    The USA National Basketball Association was formed, allowing a more professional and civilized way to enjoy the popular game.
  • Micheal Jordan

    Micheal Jordan
    Possibly the best basketball player in NBA history, MJ gave kids a role model and athelets a competetor.
  • Basketball Goes Internatinal (USA)

    Basketball Goes Internatinal (USA)
    All around the globe, basketball became a popular topic of conversation.
  • Womens Basketball League

    Womens Basketball League
    To allow women the same oppurtunities as men, the rules and guidlines of female basketball changed to better match these of the NBA.