School Museums
Visual Education Movement
Instructional Film Catalog
First Use of Films for Instruction
John Watson - Behaviorism
Pressey's Teaching Machine
National Professional Organization for Visual Instruction
Now known as the Association for Educational Communications and Technoloy -
Audiovisual Instruction Movement/Instructional Radio
Schema Theory and Cognitive Load
F.W.Taylor - Tasks/Competencies
Ralph Tyler - Father of Behavioral Objectives Movement
B. F. Skinner - Behavioral Learning Theory
World War II - Training films
Origins of Instructional Design
Shannon & Weaver - The Communications Process
Computers for Instruction - IBM
Jean Piaget - Cognitivism
Instructional Television
Robert Miller - Task Analysis Methodology
B.F. Skinner - Programmed Instruction Movement
Benjamin Bloom - Three Domains of Learning
Launch of Sputnik
Mager - "Preparing Objectives for Programmed Instruction"
Early Instructional Design Models
Behavioral Objectives Popularized
Robert Glaser - Criterion Referenced Testing Movement
First Definition of IDT
Robert Gagne - "The Conditions of Learning"
Computer Assisted Instruction launched
Formative Evaluation
Atkinson and Shriffin - Cognitive Information Processing Theory
Bertalanffy - ADDIE
Formation of AECT
Gagne's Theory of Instruction
Journal of Instructional Development
Computers used in School
Personal Computers
Sweller - Scheme Theory and Cognitive Load
Situated Learning Theory
AECT - New Definition for IDT
Dunlap and Grabinger - Constructivism
Siemans - Connectivism
AECT - New definition of IDT
Allen - Successive Approximation Model (SAM)
Merrill - Pebble-in-the-Pond
Human Performance Improvement Movement
Use of Mobile Technology