Huble telescope launches
Gulf war
Day of birth
My grandparents were a huge part of my life while i was born because they helped my parents out a lot. My twin brother was also very important because I would have been an only child if he wasn't born. The expectations my parents had for me at this time was that I was just going to be a healthy baby. -
Started Kindergarden
Stareted school when I was only 4 years old which was a good and bad thing. It was good because I loved school but I ended up having to take 2nd grade over again because I was too young. My teachers were really important to me at this time because they helped me a lot and I loved being at school. My parents just wanted me to be happy at this age and have fun. -
First femail shuttle pilot
Mad Cow disease
During this time I was with all my classmates at school and my teachers. A lot of people I knew had family or friends that were in New York at the time. My parents expected me to be strong and come together with our community. -
Grandfather passed away
This was one of the hardest years of my life. I was surrounded with my family but it really was the first death sI had gone through. It really changed a lot of my feelings and in a way made me grow up a lot. My parents knew I was young so they were understanding when I didn't even want to get out of bed some days. -
Graduated Highschool
Graduating Highschool was a huge part of my life. I was lucky enough to go through it with my twin brother and the help from my cousins who I also went to school with. My parents were really proud of me and expected me to get into college. I ended up taking time off before going to college which they ended up being okay with. -
Started dancing
I have danced all my life but started dancing for better companies and feeling more confident performing in front of people. I was lucky to have such awesome dance teachers and friends. My parents were just happy that I was doing something that made me really happy and always supported me. -
Giants Win World Series
Grandma has alzheimers
My grandma needed to have constant care and me and my family decided to take care of her ourselves. It was really hard but my family stayed strong and we still take care of her today. My parents always said it wasnt my responsability to care for her but were proud that I stepped up and did. -
Giants Win World Series
Bin Ladin was killed
Giants Win World Series again
Started school again
I have been out of school for a year now and I decided to come back with he help of my friends motivating me and my familes support. My parents are very cool and always support what I decide to do,