Where I Am From
I Am From Open Fields and Family
I Am From Starry Skies and Full Moons
I Am From Cricket Sounds And Mosquitos
I Am From Violence and Sorrow
I Am From South Africa and Chicago -
Freshman Year
Best Day EverFirst year of high school. I was excited and afraid all at the same time. I knew it would be a good year for me. I could be a better me at Etowah. -
End Of Freshman Year
I finish up my freshman year at Etowah it was the best year ever. I made tons of new friends and learned a lot about myself. -
Period: to
Summer Vacation
I volunteered a lot over the summer. I went to multiple camps to better my social skills and i got a summer job helping my neighbor clean her house and keep it clean. -
Sophomore Year
Sophomore year wasn't as great as Freshman year. I was involved in a lot of drama. The people I thought were my friends actually turned out to be the people who started spreading rumors about me. This was the year I became anti-social and decided to just whole-heartedly focus on school and getting out of Etowah as soon as possible. -
End of Sophomore Year
At the end of this year I was really glad to be leaving for summer vacation. I realized that I can't trust everyone and just because they say they are my friend doesn't mean that they are. True colors were shown this year and it opened my eyes to the real life of high school. -
Period: to
Summer Vacation
Summer Vacation. Didn't Do Much Hung Out At the Pool and relazed -
Junior Year
Brave Junior year was the toughest year of all. I came out of my shell and got a backbone I started standing up for myself more and distingushing who my real friends were amongst the fake ones. I struggled academically and was always stressed out because of school. -
Junior Year Ends
The end of a difficult and long school year. I passed all my classes struggled through this year of high school. Became a better me. This is where I realized that I am almost there. That one more year and I'll be away from all the other people. This is where I decided to go to the military and become an even better person. -
Period: to
Summer 2013
Summer Vacation. Visited family in Chicago and hung with friends and family at multiple barbeques and family outings. -
Senior Year!!
I Have Officially began my Senior year. My last and final year at Etowah.I took a lot of easy electives so that way high school would go by easily.
Where I'm from a really difficult Junior Year
a Quickly flown by summer with tans
and lot of pealing. -
18th Birthday
Spring Break !!
Went to Disney with my Best Friend ,Khadijah and her Mother. We had an amazing time, especially me since it was my first time going. -
Disney Ends
We left Disney but it was amazing. We encountered some rain and really bad tuberlance along the way, but we made it back safely and on the ground all in tack. -
Spring Break Ends
Spring Break Is Over but it was great. I got to spend a few days in Orlando. I went to Chicago to visit family and came home to sleep. -
Where I Am Going
I Am Going To Fight For My Country
I Am Going Where People Go To Make A Difference
Where Lives Change For The Worst
Where Sounds Bring Back Horrible Memories
Where Soldiers Die in Honor
Where People Fight To Protect Their Country
Where Many Are Lost But Never Forgotten
Where Families Lose Important People
I Am Going To Make A Difference
Where I Can Go To Risk My Life For The Greater Good
I Am Going To The Military