Life Time- HHS4U

  • Birth

    I was born into Gen Z and the 2003 Canadian cohort, July 28th, 2003. I was grew up in Burlington, Ontario. I was influenced by my surrounds and would not be who I am today had I been born somewhere other than Canada and in a different year.
  • Birth of Little Sister

    Birth of Little Sister
    The birth of my little sister was a big life event. It caused a lot of change in my life. I was now the middle child. In addition, I had to share my room which lead to us moving to a new house which allowed us our own spaces.
  • Started High School

    Started High School
    When I started high school I began to experience a lot of role conflict. Due to heavy course loads, a job, friends and multiple extracurriculars, it became very difficult to balance everything. It has taught me how to better manage my time, however, I still experience roll conflict at times.
  • Covid 19 Forced Online School

    Covid 19 Forced Online School
    Being forced to learn online caused major role strain. I had to learn to basically, teach myself from materials shared by my teachers. It was a very difficult and stressful task. I have learned that online learning is not my preferred learning style, however I adapted as necessary.
  • Started a New Job

    Started a New Job
    I transitioned from the roles of my old job at Swiss Chalet to my new ones at Heritage Place Retirement. I have learned so much from and about the ageing population. Helping care for these wonderful residents, that have lived such adventurous lives has made me want to life a more free life style.
  • Graduated High School

    Graduated High School
    High school has taught me so much about who I am as a person. Once I graduate I will be free to pursue my dreams. Traveling, working and furthering my education will be possible because of graduation.
  • Start University for Psychology

    Start University for Psychology
    Continuing my education is just one of the ways I am involved in social institutions. Building my education will allow me to one day reach my goal of owning my own Psychology practice.
  • Work as Psychologist in Hospital

    Work as Psychologist in Hospital
    As a Psychologist, I will have a wide role set. I will get to gain very valuable knowledge working with patients, as well as, help them through treatment.
  • Start Psychology Practice

    Start Psychology Practice
    I dream of one day starting my own psychology practice. I will be able to help others. I am sure I will be known for this status.
  • Retirement

    I will follow the social norm of retiring at 65 years old. I will live a fulfilling retirement life traveling the world and joining an old person yoga group.