I was born healthy
On August 11,1995 I was born at Grand River Hospital weighing 8 pounds 12.5 ounces. I was a healthy and happy baby girl, I looked about two months old already. It physically, intellectually/cognitive and emotionally affected me because I was physically and mentally healthy and emotionally a very happy baby. I was lucky to have a great mom that gave me lots of love and care which some children don't get. -
Period: to
Events that happen from birth to 17 years old
This timeline shows the most important events that happen in my life since birth. It shows how they have affected me and made an impact on my life. They're all very important to me and make who I am today. -
First day of school
The first day of junior kindergarten my mom took me to the classroom, I was scared and frightened about being left there. I ran to the top of the play house and hid hoping no one would find me. Eventually I learned that it was fun going there and it was hard for my mom to get me to go home at the end of the day. -
Learned to ride my bike with no training wheels
I practiced riding my bike with training wheels then by someone holding on and one day my mom was holding on then let go and I was able to go on my own. I was so happy that I could bike on my own, I had a big grin on my face and I was so proud of myself. It physically affected me because I was physically doing something, I had to pedal and balance so I don't tip over. -
Started sponsoring a child in Africa
Our family sponsors a little girl in Africa that lives in poverty. We nick named her little dee because her name was pretty difficult. Every month we send money to help her and her family. It feels great to help someone who is less fortunate. -
Learned to swim on my own
I went to swimming lessons and after practicing for so long I was able to stay above the water with no help. I was a little nervous at first because the last thing I wanted was to drown but if I didn't try on my own then I would of never known if I was able to keep myself above the water. -
Graduated grade 8
When I completed grade 7 then 8, we had a graduation ceremony and received a certificate that showed we could move onto high school. It was a change after graduating because we were off to a new school and many new opportunities. -
I discovered that I'm good with kids
Throughout being around kids and babysitting I figured out it was somethingI was really good at and enjoyed doing. Even though it can be tough at times and it's very tiring, I couldn't imagaine doing anything else. It was a change for me because figuring out what I wanted to do after high school is a big relief. -
I got perfect on a test
I wrote my science test that I studied hard for pretty sure that I did good. When the teacher handed it back I saw that I got everything right, very happy that all that studying payed off. It intellectually/cognitive affected me because I had to study hard to rememeber everything for the test and then use my mind to apply what I could remember. -
Worked at a primary school with kindergartens for co-op placement
I took co-op last semester and had the choice to pick where I wanted my placement. Since I love working with little kids I chose to do it at a school with kindergartens. Everyday I would help the kids with activities, play with them as well as help the teacher. After doing that I knew for sure that was what I want to do. This affected me socially because I had to use my social skills and learn how to socialize better with children. -
Part time job tutoring a little boy
While I was doing co-op at the school I met some of the kids parents and one of them needed someone to help her son develop stronger motor and writing skills. Seeing what a great job I did, she said I would be perfect for it. It was another opportunity to gain more experience with children and I enjoy it so I do as much as I can for him to be ready for grade one.