
Helen Longino / July 13, 1944 - Present

By KB1988
  • Helen Longino (1944-Present) / Book: "The Fate of Knowledge"

    Helen Longino (1944-Present) / Book: "The Fate of Knowledge"
    In 2002, Helen Longino received the Robert K. Merton Professional Award for the best book from the sections for science, knowledge, and technology.
  • Helen Longino (1944-Present) Stanford University

    Helen Longino (1944-Present) Stanford University
    In 2005, Longino, was active in the movement of the woman's liberation at Stanford University. Her teaching lead her to her hard work and dedication.She inspired several women's studies that was interested in philosophy.
  • Helen Longino (1944-Present) Chair of Philosophy

    Helen Longino (1944-Present) Chair of Philosophy
    Throughout the time of Helen Elizabeth Longino, she always dreams of having that standard of just being a philosopher, she became the chair person of the entire department between the year of 2008 and 2011.
  • Helen Longino (1944- Present) / 2014 Feminist Philosophy Prize

    Helen Longino (1944- Present) / 2014  Feminist Philosophy Prize
    In 2014, Helen won the Feminist philosophy of the Women's Caucus of the Philosophy of Science Association, studying human behavior.
  • Helen Longino (1944- Present) Youtube Video of human behavior

    Helen Longino (1944- Present) Youtube Video of human behavior
  • Helen Longino (1944-Present) / American Academy of Arts and Science

    Helen Longino (1944-Present) / American Academy of Arts and Science
    In 1780, the American Academy of Arts and science was found. Helen became the president between the years of 2013 and 2014, and joined the feminist studies and lifetime of contribution to the academy along with the other members that included, scientist, artists, and philosophers. The American Academy is also one of the most oldest societies of the United States of America.
  • References

    The Fate of Knowledge. Princeton University Press. Longino, Helen, E. (2013). Studying Human Behavior: How Scientists Investigate Aggression and Sexuality. University of Chicago Press
    [Link text] (http;//www.timetoast.com) https://youtu.be/dZcZ7JIyACc
    [Link text] (http;//timetoast.com) www.britannica.com