Helen Keller Timeline

  • 1880

    Helen Keller was born in Tescumbia, Alabama
  • 1882

    Helen begins to become deaf and blind at the age of 19 months
  • 1887

    Helen begins getting help for Anne Sullivan to learn how to deal with her condition
  • Period: to


    Anne pushed Helen to further her education and meet other children that are like her
  • 1894

    Helen attended the Wright-Humason school in New York City
  • 1900 Begins her studies at Radcliffe College

  • 1908

    Publishes "The World I Live In"
  • 1921

    Helen's mother passes away
  • 1924

    Begins life as a spokesperson and starts a foundation for the blind
  • 1946

    Begins her world tours to share stories about her life
  • 1961

    Helen Keller has a stroke and makes no further appearances
  • 1968

    Helen dies peacefully in her beautiful home in Connecticut