Haylee Greer timeline- events in life

By hgreer
  • The first day of my life

    The first day of my life
    My birth was the beginning of the roller coaster life of Haylee Greer
  • When my sister was born

    When my sister was born
    When my sister was born, I was no longer the only child in the house. I now had some one who could play with me, share memories, and be there for me when I need her.
  • First day of kindergarten

    First day of kindergarten
    The first day of Kindergarten was the beginning of the learning process that would continue for many years.
  • My Grandfather Died

    My Grandfather Died
    When my grandfather died it was the first time that I ever experienced death. I was very young when it happened, and did not understand what was going on. I was very sad though because I knew someone that I loved deeply had passed away. This experience has shaped me into the strong girl I am today.
  • Confirmation/Baptism

    In eighth grade at Second Presbyterian Church I went through confirmation, and I got baptized. Confirmation showed, acknowledged, and led me to God. My baptism was just the finally representation of God coming into my life. Going to church every Sunday for my whole life and finally getting baptism has made me become a well rounded spiritual person.
  • Teton Science School

    Teton Science School
    Going to the Teton Science School was the first time I flew by myself with out my parents. I had to make decisions by myself such as when to go to the terminal and when to wake up, This experience has made me so much more mature than before.
  • Found out I had a heart condition

    Found out I had a heart condition
    This year I kept on having problems with my heart. I finally went to the hospital, and they told me I had a heart condition called Premature Ventricular Contraction. This experience has probably had the most effect on my life, and has changed myself significantly. I was very scared when I found out, but I have relized that I am going to have to live with this for the rest of my life. I can't be scared everyday of my life. This has made me a very brave and strong women.