Period: to
Age 0-10
Trust vs. Mistrust(0-1 year)
autonomy vs shame and doubt(1-3 years old)
initiative vs guilt(3-6 years old)
industry vs inferiority(6 years - puberty) -
1 year old-trust
During infancy up until age one trusting a caregiver to fufill a babies needs is important. I left this stage with trust because my parents gave me food, shelter, and love. -
2 years old Autonomy
Toddlers learn to exercise their will and do things for themselves. At this stage I had a little sister and my mom encouraged me to help her out with big girl things and I enjoyed being able to consider myself a big girl. -
4 years old Initiative
At this age, it is important for children to do things on their own. It shows independence. At this point, I had another little sister and I took initiative helping my mom read to my little sisters while she cooked dinner, or was busy. -
7 Years old Industry
Children learn the pleasure of applying themselves to tasks. School was a joy in my life. It allowed me to learn new things and it would bring excitment to me that I could learn more and more every day. -
Period: to
Age 10-20
industry-inferiortiy(6 years old-puberty)
indentity vs role confusion(teen years-early 20's) -
15 years old Adolescent
During adolescence, identity is a struggle to find. When enterting this stage my relationship with my sisters struggled. I felt that they were annoying and we always fought. -
Age 17- Adolescence
While in adolescence, my relationship with my parents was stressful, because I was still trying to figure out who I am as a person, but without their influence. -
18 years old- Adolescence
At the end of adolescence, I have figured out where I want to go to college and what my interests are. This allows me to move onto the next stage of my life. -
Period: to
Age 20-30
indentity vs role confusion(teen years into 20's)
intimacy vs isolation(20's-40's) -
26 years old-Young Adulthood
Because I left adolescence with a sense of identity, I am able to follow my dreams of becoming a doctor. -
30 years old-intimacy
During the young adult stage, people can find intimacy. In order for this to happen you must have a sense of identiy. Now that I have set up my life as a doctor I have found someone who is supportive and enjoyable. -
Period: to
Age 30-40
Intimacy vs isolation(20's-early 40's)
generativity vs stagnation(40's-60's) -
32 years old- Intimacy
I can get married and have a strong connection with my husband because I know who I am and he knows who he is and we prosper off of each other. -
Age 34- generativity
Having kids gives me a sense of purpose in life and a whole other level of joy in my life. -
Period: to
Age 40-50
intimacy vs isolation(20's-40's)
Generativity vs stagnation(40's-60's) -
42 years-Intimacy
I celebrate my 10th aniversity being married to my husband. -
45 years-Generativity
Learning to juggle work and kids is difficult but I feel that I am contributing great ideas in the medical field and can contribute joy and love in my kids. -
Period: to
Age 50-60
generativity vs stagnation(40's-60's) -
55 years old-Generativity
Having found a way to spend time with my kids and give them the time and attention they need with still maintaining a job gives me a sense of pride. I feel that it makes me healthier because I enjoy having a purpose in life. -
Period: to
Age 60-70
Generativity vs stagnation(40's-60's)
integrity vs despair(60's up) -
Age 65-integrity
Now that I am retired, and am no longer raising kids I am allowed to reflect on my life. Although there are many things I could have done differently I would not change a thing. -
Period: to
Age 70-80
integrity vs despair(late 60's up) -
Age 72-integrity
As I am coming time to really settling down, I do not want to have any regrets so I try out any other hobbies or activities I never got a chance to do. -
Period: to
Age 80-dealth
integrity vs despair(late 60's up) -
85 years old-Integrity
At this point in my life I am enjoying friends and family. I am pleased with the successful and the failures I have experienced in my life.