
Growth of the U.S. by Danielle

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    Daniel Boone Clears the Cumberland Gap

    In 1775 Daniel Boone followed an old Indian path, Called Warriors Path, and this path lead him to the Cumberland Gap. He gathered thirty other men and together they clears rocks, trees and other things that would block someone's pass. This made it easier to pass through the Appalachian Mountains.
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    Samuel Slater Makes Exact Replicas of British Machines

    In the 1790s a British worker, named Samuel Slater, memorized the layout of the machines he worked on. Then he came over to America, where he built exact replicas of the machines, so we could now produce goods as offset as Britian could.
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    Invention of the Cotton Gin

    In 1793 a man named Eli Whitney invented the cotton gin. This machine separated the cotton from the seeds much easier, and it was faster than slaves. So now we could produce cotton from the South faster.
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    Robert Fulton Lauches the Clermont

    In 1807 Robert Fulton Lauches the first voyage of the Clermont. This powerful steamboat made the trip from New York City to Albany in 32 hours instead of four days. We could now travel aross waterways faster.
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    Erie Canal

    Before this canal was finished the east and west were not linked by a major waterway, after this canal as built and finished, the east and west were finally connected by a major waterway.