Sega Master System
My parents purchased this game system for us. It is probably my first experience in interacting with technology. Funny enough, we still have this in storage. -
My first Transatlantic flight (that I remember).
As a precursor: at 11 months old, we as a family flew home from Germany to Dulles International Airport. My dad (who served 20 years in the US Army) at that time was being reassigned in California. However, my first Transatlantic flight which I remember happened when my father was reassigned in Germany. My mom and I flew together to Frankfurt International Airport. This flight made the mark on me for enjoying flying and travel; including 3 more Transatlantic trips since then. -
The first family computer
Around Christmas, my dad brought home a used Cordata 286 computer. Watching him use it for basic word processing, maintaining records, navigating DOS, and playing Tetris, I gained the confidence to learn how to begin using a computer as well. -
Buying my Playstation
While released in 1994, it wasn't until New Years Day of 1998 that I bought my Playstation. This gaming console was my 'go to' throughout middle and high school. -
Internet at home!
With the purchase of a new computer, and the need for me to use a computer for school work, my parents decided to get dialup (56k) internet installed at home. -
Burning CDs
With the addition of having internet at home, and learning about Napster, along with other p2p file transfer programs, I began to download music online and burn CDs for myself. As one of the few people in our school who had a CD burner at that time, I also began burning CDs for other people as well. How the times have changed since then! -
The iPod
This device, along with the Microsoft Zune, Sansa Players, and other MP3 devices, while never personally owning one, certainly changed the landscape of how music is stored and played for personal use. Funny enough, it wasn't until owning a Celluar Phone that I utilized digital music on a portable device. -
Thumb Drives!
When getting ready to go to college at James Madison University in the Fall of 2003, I was able to add this 'new' option of a portable Thumb/flash drive which would hold enough data for over 40 floppy disks! At 64MB, this is incredibly tiny in comparison to what we store on these drives today, but at that time, it felt as if I had limitless storage! -
My first Cellular Phone
A little late to the Cell phone scene, I bought my first phone, which was a Motorola RAZR V3. This phone went through quite a beating over the next couple years, including personally replacing the lcd display, and front glass. Since then, upgrades to an LG Vu, Apple iPhone 4s, and now Apple iPhone 6s Plus, have taken place. -
Working in College: Parking Services
During my undergrad, I worked as a Parking Enforcement Officer. Instead of writing paper citations, we used electronic tracking devices, along with handheld ticket writers which allowed for us to maintain records of citations easily between the field and office. -
My first job out of college: TSS
Before working in a Music Classroom, I was hired on a temporary waiver in a grant funded position as a Technology Systems Specialist in Grant County, WV. By working with software troubleshooting, basic hardware and networking installations. This experience helped me to apply my previous technological knowledge to the educational field; something which has helped me moving forward in my own classroom. -
Apple takeover!
As a teacher in Raleigh County, West Virginia, we were one of the first districts in the area to utilize a 1:1 device implementation with iPads, and Macbooks. As a 'PC guy' for all of my life up to this point, the transition over to Mac was mentally a point of resistance. However, today I embrace my pieces of Apple equipment including the computer I am using to put together this timeline! -
Works Cited: Image Citations
https://images.pexels.com/photos/373543/pexels-photo-373543.jpeg?auto=compress&cs=tinysrgb&h=350 https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/8/88/Sega-Master-System-Set.jpg/1280px-Sega-Master-System-Set.jpg http://www.historycentral.com/aviation/airlines/United.html https://i.ebayimg.com/images/g/AYgAAOSwWxNY2xDl/s-l1600.jpg https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/3/39/PSX-Console-wController.jpg/1200px-PSX-Console-wController.jpg -
Works Cited (continued)
https://cdn.dribbble.com/users/330915/screenshots/3809479/2_dribbble.gif http://syntaxcreative.com/wp-content/uploads/NAPSTER_Logo.jpg https://fthmb.tqn.com/fzOYL13KxNhi7NZGrPy_ceiB5b8=/768x0/filters:no_upscale():max_bytes(150000):strip_icc()/ipd-01-57e1d8ba5f9b58651658ad0b.jpg https://www.techpowerup.com/forums/proxy.php?image=http%3A%2F%2Fi.imgur.com%2Fgkqjh.jpg http://www.tigerdirect.com/applications/SearchTools/item-details.asp?EdpNo=4833047 -