John kay invetion
- John kay invented the flying shuttle, and was patened may 26, 1733
- The flying shuttle cut down time it took to weave fabrics of any width.
- Advantage: sped up process of weaaving cloth disadvantage: It didn't really have a major disadvantage.
- The invention now has been advanced into a power loom and is still used to weave cloth.
James Hargreaves invention
- James Hargreaves invented the spinning jenny. It was invented on Jan. 1st, 1764.
- Spinning Jenny is early multiple-spindle machine for spinning wool or cotton.
- Advantage- Produced thread quicker than normal spinners. Disadvantage- put people out of jobs.
- The spinning jenny also evolved into the power loom and that's how it's used today.
Richard Arkwright Invention
- Created the Spinning frame, and this was invented on June 21st, 1768.
- Spun 128 threads at one time. It was faster than anything before and the thread was stronger.
- Advantages- Made a strong, tough yarn quicker than weaving Disadvantages- Only made that certain type of yarn.
- Today just like the spinning wheel and flying shuttle was improved into a powered loom and is used today.
Samuel Compton invention
He created the spinning mule and it was invented in 1779. The spinning mule that combined the moving carriage of the spinning jenny with the rollers of the water frame. Advantage- It gave greater control over the weaving process. Disadvantage- Resulted in riots because it put people out of work. Today this invention is the power loom just like the other weaving inventions. -
James Watt invention
James Watt invented the steam engine in 1784, It used 75% less fuel than the earlier Newcomen engine. Disadvantage was it was big and heavy so it couldn't be used in cars. In today's time the steam engine is now a motor and is more powerful and can fit in any transportation vehicle. -
Robert Fulton Invention
He created the steamboat in 1803, Could carry passengers could go 3-4 mph against the current and 4.5 in water. Advantage is it could carry people and disadvantage is that it moved slow. Now steamboats are ships and travel faster and carry more people. -
Robery Trevithick invention
He invented the steam locomotive in 1804, was running and able to pull 30 tons of coal at four miles/hr, advantages were could transport materials easier and faster. Disadvantages were it couldn't carry people at first. Now and days the locomotive is now been innovated into the train which can carry people and supplies. -
George Stephenson invention
He invented the safety lamp in 1815, This invention was used in coal mines to help see when navigating around. Advantage helped you see in dark areas, disadvantage that safety lamp can sometimes go out leaving you in complete darkness and shock. Now and days people use flashlights that are brighter and last longer. -
Henry Bessemer invention
He invented the process for making steel in 1855, involves removing other elements from iron by way of oxidization. Advantage is steel is strong material to build out of, disadvantage is was not a quick process. Steel is still used in today's time to create buildings such as skyscrapers. -
Louis Pasteur invention
He invented what is known as Pasteurization in 1862, best known to the general public for his invention of the technique of treating milk and wine to stop bacterial contamination. Advantage his invention actually worked and stopped bacterial contanmation, disadvantage was he was one of only people who knew how to use pasteurization so only he could use it no one else. It is no longer used today scientist have come up with new and better methods. -
Thomas Edison invention
He invented the phonograph in 1877, the first machine that could capture sound and play it back. the phonograph was his favorite invention. Advantage could play back sounds, Disadvantages were After just a few plays, the tin-foil would tear up and the message could no longer be played. Now and days the phonograph is anything that can record sounds and play them back such as voicemail or answering machine. -
Nikola Tesla invention
He invented the Tesla coil in 1891, is an electrical resonant transformer circuit designed by inventor Nikola Tesla in 1891.[1][2] It is used to produce high-voltage, low-current, high frequency alternating-current electricity. Advantage provided electricity and disadvantage could short out or cause fires. Now and days the Tesla coil has been altered into new technology that can produce and control voltage levels.