Rwanda genocide

genocide rewanda ~ mason Reis

  • Berlin conference divides up africa between European countries

    This event leads to more and more conflict later on and eventually war and killings
  • Belgium gains control of rwanda

    Belgium gains control of rwanda
  • Rwanda gains independance

    This is important because Rwanda is no longer ran by foreign people
  • 100,000 people in jail waiting trial for genocide

    100,000 people in jail waiting trial for genocide
  • Civil war begins

    Civil war begins
  • Genocide ; 800,00 people die in 100 days

    This leads to a genocide by thousands of people assassinated and murdered
  • FPR ends genocide

    FPR ends genocide
  • War crime trials begin

    This event leads to more trials and gaining evidence for conviction of murders (war crimes)
  • apology from president clinton

    apology from president clinton
  • 26 defandants exacuted

    This is important because actions of wars of crime is now had its punishment.