Genocide in Rwanda

  • Germany Controls Rwanda

    Germany Controls Rwanda
    The Berlin conference divides up Africa between European countires, it is important because countries such as Germany began looking to Africa for natural resources for their growing industrial sectors as well as a potential market for the goods these factories produced
  • Period: to

    Genocide in Rwanda

  • Belgium Gains Control of Rwanda

    Belgium Gains Control of Rwanda
    Germany loses World War I
  • Rwanda Gains Independance

    Rwanda Gains Independance
  • Civil war begins

    Civil war begins
    Civil war begins between Hutu controlled government and Rwandan Patriotic Front
  • Genocide

    800,000 people die in 100 days
  • RPF ends the genocide

    RPF ends the genocide
    In July of 1994, the RPF ends the genocide and takes control of the government.
  • War Crime's Trial Begins

    War Crime's Trial Begins
    Some courts are run by Tanzania by the UN; other courts are in Rwanda
  • Apology from President Clinton

    Apology from President Clinton
    President Clinton apologized and the leader of the UN for not preventing the genocide from happening/stopping it.
  • 26 Defendants Executed

    26 Defendants Executed
    There were 26 executions of defendants for war crimes by the Rwandan government; in which Rwanda later outlaws the death penalty. This is important because people payed for their actions of killing innocent people.
  • Gacaca courts to be set up

    Gacaca courts to be set up
    There are 100,000 people in jail waiting upon trial for genocide. Rwandan government is encouraging these trials. They are brief and the guilty are given lighter sentances once they confess to their crimes.