Genocide in Rwanda

  • Period: to

    Genocide in Rwanda

  • Germany Controls Rwanda

  • Blegium gains control of Rwanda

    This event leads to future events because this is where the Hutus began to be treated poorly. As a result, they later took control of the Rwandan government and committed genocide against Tutsis.
  • Rwanda Gains Independence

    Rwanda Gains Independence
    This event leads to the next because the Hutus and the Tutsis were no longer under the 'eye' of the Belgians. As a result, hostilities went unchecked.
  • Civil War Begins

    Civil War Begins
    This event lead to the genocide because the hostility and resentment between the Hutus and Tutsis was given an outlet. After years of mistreatment, the Hutus were given a chance to pay that back.
  • Genocide

    The rest of the world should know about this genocide because it demonstrates why we should take in to account other cultures when setting up borders. If we don't account for ethnic groups, we can cause events like this by forcing rival/enemy tribes to be close together.
  • RPF ends the genocide

    RPF ends the genocide
  • War crimes trials begin

  • Apology from President Clinton

    Apology from President Clinton
    This event is important because it shows just how horrible the genocide was. The non-action from the U.S. caused so many deaths that the president had to personally apologize for it.
  • 26 defendants executed

    26 defendants executed
    This event leads to the next event in that Rwanda outlawed the death penalty after these executions. So, the Gacaca courts had to be set up.
  • Gacaca courts to be set up

    This event is important because it allowed the trials to happen in a reasonable time period. There were 100,000 people awaiting trial, so they set up these courts for brief, quick trials.