P.A. Levene
Determined the basic structure of nucleotides that make up DNA. Nucleotides- subunits of nucleic acids and consist of a five-carbon sugar or a phospate group. Discovered the sugars that make up DNA and RNA. -
Did experaments with sugar coated DNA and found the they came out rough or smoth. The rough strain did not kill mice but the smoth one did kill them. This opened the stage for identafying the how the change happened. -
Oswald Avery
Identafied how the change of bacteria strains happened. Isolated macromolecules from one of the cells. A question was still open are DNA proteins or responsible for the transfer of genetic material. -
Erwin Chargaff
Analyzed the amount of adenine, guanine, thymine, and cytosine in the DNA. He created the Chargaff rule for the number of these substances compared to each other. C=G, T=A -
Maurice Wilkins
DIscovered a way to look at DNA when it was more intack and in thin threads. He bundled a group of DNA strands keeping them hydrated and then obtained a x-ray photo of DNA that showed the long, thin DNA molecule. -
Watson and Crick
Saw Franklins X-ray diffraction and used Chargaff's and Franklin's data to measure the base of the helix and the spacing of the bases. Thogether they build a model of the helix that conformed to reasearch. This is very signifacant because now all the data is put together into one thing. -
Hershey and Chase
Published results of experaments that provided unbreakable evadendence that DNA is the transforming factor. These experaments contained two parts a DNA protine second viruses can not reproduce they have to ingect a living thing with genetic material to reproduce. They labeled both parts of the virus to determin which part was the genetic material. -
Linus Pauling
DIscovered the double helix structure of the DNA. His work on hydrogen- bonding in proteins leads him to developing the structure of the protines which were made up of long strings of amino acids. -
Rosalind Franklin
Determined the overall form of the DNA helix and the location of the phosphate groups on the outside. They could see this with x-ray diffraction