• First Generation Computer

    First Generation Computer
    The computers produced during the period 1946-1959 with the them technology are regarded as the first generation computer. These computers were manufactured with the vacuum tubes, electronic values, triodes, and diodes etc. as their basic elements. These tubes were used in the arithmetic and logical operations.
  • Second Generation Computers

    Second Generation Computers
    (1959-1965) The computers produced during the period 1959-1965 with technology are known as second generation computers. These computers used transistors in place of vacuum tubes as their basic elements to perform all computational and logical works.
  • Third Generation Computer

    Third Generation Computer
    (1965-1970) The computers developed during the period 1965-1970 are branded as the third generation computers. The significant features of these computers were that they were built with monolithic integrated circuits each of which consisted of thousands of transistors and other electronic components on a single crystal.
  • Fourth Generation Computers

     Fourth Generation Computers
    (1970-1985) They used large scale integrated circuits and very large integrated circuits in the form of micro processor in their memory. These computers enlaced millions of transistors and other electronic components on a single silicon chip. A micro processor is a single chip which itself can perform the controlling arithmetic and logical functions of a computer that too at a fast speed.
  • Fifth Generation Computer

    Fifth Generation Computer
    The computers that are emerging after 1985 with further improved technology are considered as the fifth generation computers. These machines are designed to incorporate “Artificial Intelligence” and used stored reservoirs of knowledge to make expert judgments and decision like human begins. They are also designed to process non numerical information like pictures and graphs using them very large scale integrated circuits.