Gavin Tapsell

By Tapsell
  • Became a member of the Parkside Football team

    Became a member of the Parkside Football team
    I joined the Parkside Football team, which is important because I got a head start on making friends my age and one year older for Highschool.
  • Started Highschool

    Started Highschool
    I started Highschool at Parkside Collegiate Institute on September 3rd, 2013. This is important because I went from being the highest grade in Elementary school, to the lowest grade in Highschool.
  • Employed

    I got my very first job at Mackies, this is important because it is a huge step of responsibility.
  • Recieved my G1 license

    Recieved my G1 license
    This is important because it means I'm one step closer to driving on my own!
  • Bought my first truck

    Bought my first truck
    This is important because it is my very first truck that I spent my very own money on. My very first expense.
  • Received my G2 license!

    Received my G2 license!
    This is important because it means I am able to drive on my own and I have more independence!
  • Graduated Highschool

    Graduated Highschool
    This is important because you cannot get a job without a OSSD (Ontario Secondary School Diploma).
  • Move out of my Gaurdian's house

    Move out of my Gaurdian's house
    This is important because I now have my own house/apartment and a lot of independence.
  • Tryouts for Western Mustangs Football team

    Tryouts for Western Mustangs Football team
    This is important because University Football has a higher intensity level than Highschool Football.
  • Started Post-Secondary Education at Western for Kinesiology

    Started Post-Secondary Education at Western for Kinesiology
    This is important because this is a requirement to become a Personal Trainer.
  • Graduate from Western

    Graduate from Western
    This is important because I have now received my Bachelor's degree in Kinesiology.
  • Travelled to Italy

    Travelled to Italy
    This is important because this is the first time I have left the country by myself!
  • Got a Mortgage for a house

    Got a Mortgage for a house
    This is important because I am a first time home-owner.
  • Engaged

    This is important because it is the first step to creating a family.