Gabriellaś life

  • Twin´s birth

    My twin makayleigh was born at 8:15 with the same parents. And she is one of the most important people in my life.
  • Birth

    I was born at 8:13 my mother is Shannon Ryon and my dad is Tim Ryon.
  • Sisters birth

    My little sister Ava was born. She´s very important to me and I love her a lot but she's also a pain in the back. (Literally she jumps on my back to get a piggy back ride)
  • Made my first friend

    My first day at kindergarten I got my first friend which was very sweet to me and always was there for me.
  • Split up

    Parents decided not to live in the same home but aren't legally divorced. This was very hard for my mom, my dad, my sisters, and me (not so much my brothers unless you count them needing to do more chores)
  • Signed up for RCCBA show choir

    I signed up for, show choir. Now show choir is my safe spot and where I always want to be, I feel like I belong there and nothing can make me feel different when I am there. Also helped me get over stage fright which helped me a lot in volleyball, band, and orchestra.
  • Instruments

    Got into music a bit more and started learning flute and violin where I met 2 more teachers who I really felt comfortable with.
  • Went to middle school

    1st day at middle school, it felt weird because me and kayleigh didn't sit at the same table as me she sat at a table with a bunch of cool girls and I sat with 1 loner boy.
  • Volleyball

    Joined volleyball. Met a bunch of new friends, got to hang with my sisters more. Learned how to play, and went to games that made me feel more confident.