My Conception
I was made in the kitchen, right where our dining table is... and I get reminded of that every couple of years or so. -
My Birth
I was born at the UAB hospital, GO BLAZERS! -
Infancy - Emotional Development
Were you securely or insecurely attached to your primary caregiver?
I was securely attached to my mother, as well as to my three sisters. They were 9, 10, and 10 years old when I was born and they loved to take care of me. -
Infancy - Emotional Development
What was your temperament like as a baby?
I had colic as a baby which made me very irritable, but once I came out of it I became very easy going. I got passed around all my family members and it seemed to be no problem. -
Infancy - Cognitive Development
Tell a story from your life that demonstrates a concept of Piaget's stages of Cognitive Development.
My first word was mama, but theres was a time where I was obsessed with the word "No" and my dad made a home video of me sitting in a booster chair responding "no" to literally everything. "Do you want ice cream? - No", "Do you love mommy? - No", "Do you want to go to your sisters wedding? - NO"
This shows Piaget's sensorimotor stage, where I began using language/words as a type of dialogue. -
Early Childhood - Emotional Development
How did family and friends describe you as a child? Was it the same or different from infancy?
It was pretty similar to how I was as a baby, I was very easy going, not picky, and I was silly too. -
Early Childhood - Cognitive Development
Tell a story from your life that demonstrates a concept from Piaget's stages of Cognitive Development.
I have a memory of when I was in preschool and it got to a point where all that mattered was how many friends you had and who you were friends with. So we came up with this system where if you made a thumbs-up to someone across the room and they did it back, then that meant you guys were friends. This represents symbolic thinking in the pre-operational stage. -
Early Childhood - Cognitive Development
What is one way you remember your parents and/or a teacher acting in a way that you know helped your language acquisition?
I remember having a spelling test every week in kindergarten and I loved learning the new words. I also remember having a spelling test in 5th grade and the bonus was to spell the presidents name (Barak Obama) and I totally butchered it. -
Early Childhood - Cognitive Development
What sort of interests did you have as a young child? Does this fit within researchers ideas of conceptualization and categorization?
I had an obsession with drawing and designing dresses, sadly I never made any dresses with that creativity. But recently I've been picking up sewing, so maybe something will come of it. -
We move into my neighbors basement
My current house has always been under construction, so we had to move out so that my dad could work on the house -
We move into my grandmothers basement
My mom hated staying in my neighbors basement because it was very embarrassing for her, so then we moved into my grandmothers basement. -
Middle & Late Childhood - Cognitive Development
Tell a story from your life that demonstrates one concept of Piaget's stages of Cognitive Development. I have a memory of the first day of fifth grade, and I was the first one there for some reason, but I remember thinking about how fast my life was going and that the year would probably go by quickly too. This shows that I had an understanding of time, an aspect associated with the concrete operational stage. -
We finally move back into our house
Middle & Late Childhood - Physical Development
Did you use gross or fine motor skills for these activities?
I used gross motor skill for gymnastics and P.E -
Middle & Late Childhood - Physical Development
How often did you get physical exercise? What sort of activities did you do? How did you feel about physical activity?
P.E. at school and gymnastics were primary sources of exercise. I really enjoyed gymnastics; at the time I went for two days a week. It was super addictive and it separated me from people in my school (I had fun things to show off to them). P.E was a lot more stressful but i got through it. -
Middle & Late Childhood - Cognitive Development
Describe an experience that made you aware of a certain concept of intelligence.
I remember going to this Mcwane Science Center exhibit about Albert Einstein. I was absolutely fascinated with the exhibit and was so sad once I realized that it was only temporary. I was still pretty unfamiliar with Einstein at the time, but I remember being so impressed with his mind. This was one of the first times I really learned what a genius was. -
Adolescence - Physical Development
Did you develop early or late compared to your peers and do you think that had an effect on you?
I started menstruation in 5th grade, seemed a bit earlier than most girls, but I definitely wasn't the only one. However, many of the girls in my class started developing breasts much earlier than me. -
Adolescence - Cognitive Development
Tell a story from your life that demonstrates one concept of Piaget's stages of Cognitive Development.
As middle school came around I began thinking hypothetically. I didn't particularly like my school very much (I guess I should mention I was one of two white people in my grade), and I began to wonder what my personality and my life would be like if I went to a private school. This theoretical thinking is indicative of the formal operational stage. -
Adolescence - Physical Development
How often did you get physical exercise? What kinds of activities did you do? What was your attitude towards exercise?
I started training 9 hours of gymnastics a week. My arms started gaining muscle and i was very proud of it and would show it off to the boys in my middle school. I really enjoyed conditioning and getting stronger, I was one of the few that didn't complain about it during gymnastics practice. -
Parents Divorce
I had been suspecting it for a while. My dad ended up being the one to tell me, in the kitchen, after gymnastics practice. -
I begin school at ASFA
I get accepted into the Math & Science Department -
Adolescence - Physical Development
Did these activities require gross or fine motor skills?
Gymnastics required gross motor skills, but the older I got the more I started learning about 'presentation.' To present a skill with confidence the muscles in my arms, back, and neck have to memorize a distinct placement/contraction. -
Adolescence - Emotional Development
How would Sternberg have described your most important relationship in adolescence?
Highschool was a rough time in terms of course work, and I was able to get through it because of my best friend at the time, Maya. This relationship was a companionate love, it was an intimate, non-passionate type of love that had grown very strong because of our commitment of 5 years together in that stressful high school. -
Graduated High School
That was a very special moment, and will always cherish it. -
Early Adulthood - Cognitive Development
Tell a story from your life that demonstrates one of Piaget's concepts from the stages of cognitive development. Ever since I became a coach I discovered the world of lesson plans. Even though I didn't keep a written record of what I was going to do that day, I had a mental plan of the drills that my gymnasts need to do during practice. Currently I'm considering writing down these plans to result in better class organization. Planning is an aspect of the formal operational stage. -
Early Adulthood - Physical Development
How often did you get physical exercise? What sort of activities do you do? What are your feelings towards exercise?
After I had to stop gymnastics, I started coaching and didn't replace the intense workouts I had been doing. Now coaching is my main form of exercise because I have to spot girls and stand for long hours. But now and then I do workout videos on youtube and take walks with my dogs. -
Early Adulthood - Emotional Development
How would you describe your current closest relationship right now?
Honestly its very hard for me to decide between my mother, my sister Stella, and my long time best friend Kristalyn. I love all of them so much but in different ways. When I go home (which is pretty often) I find myself very affectionate with Stella, but then I also sleep in bed with my mother. With Kristalyn, I can tell her things that I don't even tell my family; we also share a great passion for teaching gymnastics. -
Early Adulthood - Emotional Development
What classification of Sternberg's relationship triangle is most appropriate for your relationship now?
I would say the my relationships with Kristalyn, Stella, and my Mom are a type companionate love. I care deeply for all of them and we've committed to each other, and with each person its a slightly different commitment