
From the Industrial Revolution to the capitalism and imperialism

  • Period: to

    Industrial Revolution

    GB: As industry expanded, traditional agriculture became less important.
    Population growth
    Agricultural improvements
    Increased trade
    Technological progress
    Financial support from agriculture and trade
    Favourable political and social structure
  • Steam locomotive

    Steam locomotive
  • First commercial steamship

    First commercial steamship
  • Luddites destroyed machines in factories

    Luddites destroyed machines in factories
  • Napoleon defeated

    Napoleon defeated
  • Period: to

    Restoration, liberalism and nationalism

  • Period: to

    Political developments

    -1815: Napoleon defeated (Ancien Régime and absolute monarchy restored in Europe)
    -19th century is the regular revolts and revolutions to re-establish the advances of the French Revolution
    -USA expanding its frontiers to the West. The Spanish colonies in Central and South America won their independence
    -Art: Romanticism: emotion, individual freedom and national pride.
  • Period: to

    Restoration in Europe

    • Congress of Vienna: Restoration of absolute monarchy Changes to Europe’s borders, after the Napoleonic wars To support Europe’s restored monarchs in the event of a revolution: >The Holly Alliance >The Quadruple Alliance -Reign of Fernando VII >Restoration of absolutism >Liberal period Victory of absolutism
  • Portugal, Spain and Greece Revolution

    1 Portugal and Spain: Liberal revolutions => Constitutional monarchies
    2 Greece made independent itself from Ottoman Empire (Nationalist revolution)
  • First public railway

    First public railway
  • Trade Unions

    Trade Unions
    Demanding improved working conditions and better wages, joining types of work.
  • France and Belgium Revolution

    1 France: Liberal revolution => constitutional monarchy
    2 Belgium made independent itself from the Netherlands (both united by the Congress of Vienna). (Nationalist revolution).
  • Chartist movement

    Chartist movement
    Demanded political changes: universal manhood suffrage, and Parliament to pass laws to improve workers' conditions.
  • Austrian Empire, German Confederation, Italy and France Revolution

    1 Austrian Empire: Failed
    2 German Confederation: Failed
    3 Italy: Failed
    4 France: Proclamation of the Second Republic, with universal manhood suffrage.
  • Period: to

    Birth of the Modern World

    -Rivalries between Germany and France, among other countries
    -Spain, a second-class power (lost colonies in 1898: Cuba, Filipinas, Puerto Rico)
    -Industrialised countries producing goods in enormous quantities, and colonizing regions searching raw materials
    -A consumer society, origin of social inequalities. Working class suffering the effects of economic crises
  • PSOE (Partido Socialista Obrero Español)

    PSOE (Partido Socialista Obrero Español)
    Socialist Party.
  • FTRE (Federación de Trabajadores de la Región Española)

    FTRE (Federación de Trabajadores de la Región Española)
  • Alfonso XII died

    Alfonso XII died
    Mª Cristina (his wife) was regent for their son Alfonso XIII:
    -Colonial wars: Spanish-American War 1898, losing Spain Cuba, Puerto Rico and Filipinas: Second class status in international politics.
  • UGT (Unión General de Trabajadores)

    UGT (Unión General de Trabajadores)
  • Spanish-American War

    Spanish-American War
    • Colonial wars: Spanish-American War 1898, losing Spain Cuba, Puerto Rico and Filipinas: Second class status in international politics.
  • CNT (Confederación Nacional de Trabajadores)

    CNT (Confederación Nacional de Trabajadores)