• Death of American President Abraham Lincoln

  • Abolition of slavery

  • Creation of the Ku Klux Klan

  • Eisenhower was born

  • Plessy vs. Ferguson

  • National Association for the Advancement of Colored People

  • Black nationalism by Marcus Garvey

  • Nelson Mandela was born

  • MLK was born

  • creation of the Nation of Islam

  • Jesse Owens wins 4 golds medals at 1936 berlin olympic games

  • Nelson Mandela enters the african national congress

  • MLK speech "I have a dream"

  • Jackie Robinson became the first black baseball player in america major league

  • Rosa Parks was arrested

  • Creation of SCLC

  • Nelson Mandela was arrested

  • Kennedy was assassinated

  • Adoption of civil rights

  • MLK was assassinated

  • Eisenhower died

  • Nelson Mandela has been released

  • Rodney King ,26, beeten to death by a policeman in LosAngeles

  • Nelson Mandela receved the nobel peace price

  • Timothy Thomas, 19, was shot by a policeman

  • Oscar Grant, 22, was shot by a policeman

  • Nelson Mandela died

  • Michael Brow, 18, was killed by a policeman