Period: to
trust vs. mistrust -
Period: to
autonomy vs. shame and doubt -
First Steps
Period: to
initiative vs. guilt -
Moving day
Moving from California to Kansas City effected my identity because it changed the poeple I am friends with here. My friends here are part of the reason I act the way I am. They influnece my behaviors and attitude. -
First day of preschool
Period: to
Elementary Schooler
competence vs. inferiority -
First sport
The shapes my identity because I show an interest in something.Softball is a major factor of who I am and what I love to do. -
Period: to
identity vs. role confusion -
First day of high school
The first day of high school influences my identity because going from middle school to high school requires a lot more focus in school and more effort/ studying in my work. -
Got a puppy
This shapes my identity because it shows me the way of responsibilities and how to take care of a dependent creature. -
First car
This shapes my identity because I gain more freedom from my parents and I learn to make wise independent decisions. -
First Year of College
This shapes my identity because I have to learn to live independently without my parents rules and demands. I get to make almost all of my own decisions and take on the role of becoming an adult. -
Period: to
Young Adulthood
intimacy vs. isolation -
Wedding Day
This shapes my identity because I have to make more codesicions rather than independent ones. Everything I do now must be agreed in from both my husband and I. -
First House
This shapes my identity because what comes along with a new house is new taxes, new phone and electricity payments, and new cleaning responsibilities. I have to be responsible and organized to keep the house in good shape. -
First Child
This new baby shapes my identity because I learn to put all my love and protection into this child. I would never want anything bad to happen to it and I have to learn to make sacrifices for it. -
Period: to
Middle Adulthood
generativity vs.stagnation -
Period: to
Late Adulthood
integrity vs. despair -
Day of Death
This is the day where I look back on my life and evaluate my integrity. Did I have a well meaningful life?