Jan 1, 1096
First Crusade began
In this year the first crusade began. The first crusade started to help the Byzatines to negotiate with the invading of Seljuk Turks in Turkey, An additional goal was reconquering the Holy Land (Jerusalem). -
Jan 1, 1097
People and knighst gathered out side Costantinople
Three armies of knights and people gathered out side Constantinople. -
Jan 1, 1099
The End of the First Crusade
The first crusade finished in this year. They accomplish their goal of capturing the city of Jerusalem. -
Jan 1, 1144
Second Crusade started
France and Germany fought against Edessa. The city of Edessa was reconquered by the Turks. The second Crusade was organized to recapture the city. But its armies straggled home in defeat. -
Dec 1, 1146
Conrad III arrived
Conrad III arrived at Constantinople with the remaining soldiers of hi army of German Crusaders. -
Jan 1, 1149
The Second Crusade ended
The second crusade ended when the armies made an attack on the Damascus, but nothing was accomplish. -
Jan 1, 1187
Third Crusade began
It began because there was a plan to capture the Holy Land in Jerusalem as well as Jerusalem from the Turks/Muslisms. -
Jan 1, 1188
"The Saladin Tithe"
A tax recollection was levied in England and to some extent in France. -
Jan 1, 1192
The third crusade ended
King Rhichard and Saladin agreed on a truce that Christians could visit Jerusalem and not pay. They could go to the holy lands and no one could take the land from Jaffa to Tryre. -
Jan 1, 1202
Fourth Crusade began
This crusade began because they wanted to attack the Muslism power, Egypt. the knights and venetians fought for the Muslisms. it took place in Arab and Turk, Africa. -
Jan 1, 1203
Sacking Costantinople
The knights sack Constantinople. -
Jan 1, 1204
Fourth Crusade ended
This crusade ended because the Roman catholic and greek orthodox got a part from each other until this day the pope couldn´t fix this because they hated each other,