Flour Baby Project

  • newborn

    rough, random,
    reflexive movement
  • 5-6 months old

    purposeful grasp;
    roll over; head lag
    disappears; reaches for
    objects; transfer objects
    from hand to hand;
    plays with feet;
    exercises body by
    stretching, moving;
  • 1 years old

  • 2 years old

    learns to climb up
    stairs first, then down
  • 3-4 years old

    Physically active, can’t sit still for long. Clumsy throwing balls. Refines complex skills: hopping,jumping,climbing. Improving fine
    motor skills and eye-hand coordination. Toilet trained
  • 5-8 years old

    Slow, steady growth: 3 -4 inches per year. Use physical activities to develop gross and fine motor skills. Motor & perceptual motor skills better integrated.
  • 8-12

    puberty begins for some children.