Book Blade runner was based one
Phili K Dicks novel, Do Androids Dream of Electric sheep (1968) -
Cyberpunk Movie; Blade runner
Riddles Scotts 1982, Blade runner, caputes the quintessence of the cyberpunk aesthetic -
"inventor" of cyberpunk.
William Ford Gibson (born March 17, 1948) is an American-Canadian speculative fiction novelist who has been called the "inventor" of the cyberpunk. He popularized the concept in his debut novel, Neuromancer -
Cyberpunk Author
K.W Jeter is another Early Cyberpunk author. His novels are imaginative and diturbing. They include Dr. Adder (1984) and The glass hammer (1985) -
Neil Stephsenson modern Author
since the mid 80's there was no amazing cyberpunk novles or movies untill Neil Stephsenson brillient novel Snowcrash