"Metropolis" is released.
Fritz Lang’s "Metropolis" is considered to be the very first "cyberpunk" film. Reference:
Metropolis (1927) - IMDb. (n.d.). IMDb - Movies, TV and Celebrities. Retrieved from http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0017136/ -
"Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep?" By Philip K. Dick is published.
"Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep?" is a classic in sci-fi literature and was the inspiration to the 1982 film "Blade Runner". Reference:
Philip K. Dick - Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep? (n.d.). Philip K. Dick - Science Fiction Author - Official Site. Retrieved from http://www.philipkdick.com/works_novels_androids.html -
"Blade Runner" is released.
Ridley Scott's "Blade Runnner" is considered to be one of the most influential films in the history of Cyberpunk. The film is based off of Philip K. Dick's novel "Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep?".
Blade Runner (1982) - IMDb. (n.d.). IMDb - Movies, TV and Celebrities. Retrieved from http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0083658/ -
The book "Burning Chrome" by William Gibson is published.
"Burning Chrome" is a novel which consists of multiple short stories all based around the themes and ideas of "Cyberpunk". Gibson actually refers to the term "Cyberspace" for the first time In "Burning Chrome".
Burning Chrome by William Gibson. (n.d.). The Cyberpunk Project. Retrieved from http://project.cyberpunk.ru/idb/burningchrome.html -
The film, "The Matrix" is released.
"The Matrix" was almost immediately a pop cult classic upon it's release in 1999.
The Matrix (1999) - IMDb. (n.d.). IMDb - Movies, TV and Celebrities. Retrieved from http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0133093/