first time fishing
i was with my uncle and I had a 2 pound bass on my pole and I didn't want to touch it because my mom used to scare me saying it would bite me so my uncle talked to me and he said it wouldn't hurt me so i picked it up and I wasn't scared anymore -
first time playing basketball
my brothers were outside playing basketball with their friends and I wanted to play and they said no I was to trash so I told my mom and she said I'm just gonna haft to practice cause they were bigger than me and they didnt want me to get hurt so I practice all day every day during the summer and I got better so they let me play with them and all of that taught me how to be better at basketball -
first time playing baseball
I was playing little league and I was playing pitcher and I was next to the pitcher machine well we were at practice and it was my first time and this kid from Gurdon hit the ball and It went straight at me so I caught it before it could hit me so now I'm not scared to play pitcher cause of that -
first time cooking
my grandma taught me how to cook before she died she was the one who really taught me everything so one day i went to her house she said come to the kitchen and i did she told me all the steps on making spaghetti and mac and cheese and I'm gonna always gonna know how to cook because of her -
my grandma
my grandma taught me everything I know I knew if something was wrong I could go to her all the time she really helped my mama raise me and she was always there for me and she made sure I was ok and safe she died from cancer but before that she was a hard-working woman she had two jobs and she had to stop that because of cancer when she found out she had it. it was too late so when she died it made me a stronger person cause I know she watching over me she died on 8/25/2015