Nov 1, 1095
The Beginning of The People's Crusade
Byzantines wanted help from Pope Urban II in 1095 to fight the Turks. The Byzantines wanted a small force that would help them get the Turks off their back. Pope Urban II decided it's be better to send an army which would support the Byzantines and then would go and fight through the holy land and reclaim Jerusalem. Pope Urban II preached the Crusade. Wandering preachers spread the word of Crusade throughout the villages of Germany and France. -
Jan 1, 1096
The Fall of The People's Crusade
The excited mob which consisted of untrained, unskilled peasants looking for religious relief, arrived at Constantinople. They had to overcome the Seljuk Sultan of Rum, who accepted the challenge and charged into battle on the Turkish-Byzantine border, slaying nearly all 20,000 souls involved in the People's Crusade. Any survivors were sent into slavery. -
Apr 2, 1097
The Siege of Nicaea
After the failure of the People's Crusade, The Pope decided to gather a stronger, trained legion of 4 men who brought with them each a small army. Once they arrived at Constantinople they met with Bohemond, who had been fighting the Byzantines in the Balkans a few years earlier. These Crusaders were supported by a small Byzantine army. They marched into Nicaea and laid siege to it, eliminating the Sultan's army. -
May 2, 1097
The Turks Ambush The Crusaders
After sieging Nicaea, the army divided into two divisions. The Bohemond army had barely reached Dorylaeum, where they were ambushed by the Turks. Then the other division came into view and helped slaughter the Turks. -
Oct 2, 1097
Siege of Antioch
After Dorylaeum , the Crusaders were finally able to advance undetected through Anatolia, through the Taurrus Mountains to Cilicia and the gates of Antioch. They begun the siege of the city Antioch in October which held out for 18 months. -
Apr 2, 1099
Safe in Antioch
The Christians were a weakening force who had been fighting for three years, but persisted and just won the battle. Bohemond got his army into Antioch which was safe in Christian hands. This allowed Bohemond's army to be safe and soon invade and reclaim Jerusalem. -
Jun 2, 1099
The Deterioration of the Crusades
The Crusaders had now been fighting for more than three years and were slowly deteriorating. There gap to invade Jerusalem was closing. If they missed this they would not be able to reclaim Jerusalem and this expedition would have been worthless. -
Jul 2, 1099
Reclaiming Jerusalem
The Crusaders had now been fighting for more than three years and were slowly deteriorating. There gap to invade Jerusalem was closing. If they missed this they would not be able to reclaim Jerusalem and this expedition would have been worthless.