Period: Jan 1, 1095 to Jul 15, 1099
First Crusade
Warriors who didn't have any thing to fight for joined to the crusade to fight for the Holy Land. -
Mar 3, 1095
Emperor Alexius talks to Pope Urban
Credible Website 1 Emperor Alexius sends an embassy to talk about the massacres in Jerusalem and the threat of Turks to Constantinople and the rest of Europe. -
Jul 4, 1096
Troops Ready
Armed forces gather for the First Crusade. They gathered at Constantinople -
Aug 4, 1096
Peoples Crusade Begins
Emperor Alexius sends the peoples crusade to Bosphorus. This will later prove to be an unwise move -
Oct 4, 1096
Turks Destroy Peoples Crusade
Shortly after they are sent to Bosphorus the peoples crusade meets the Turks. The Turks make short work and annihlate the peoples crusade. -
Mar 1, 1097
Crusaders Gather Outside Constantinople
Credible Site 2The crusaders ready their attack. This gathering will become one of the many victories on the way to Jerusalem. -
Jun 3, 1097
Seige of Nicacea
The crusaders seige Niacea from May to June. This is a long endeavor that proves fruitful for the Crusaders. -
Jul 3, 1097
Battle of Dorylaeum
In July there is a big battle of Dorylaeum. This is another win for the Crusaders -
Jun 5, 1098
Capture of Anitoch
Bohemond I lead the capture of Anitoch. This is a crucial win for the Crusaders. -
Jun 13, 1099
Crusaders Advance to Jerusalem
Raymond of Toulouse guides the crusaders down to Jerusalem. They make this move after the seige on Antioch -
Jul 15, 1099
Crusaders Get Jerusalem
After years of crusading the Crusaders capture Jerusalem. This was the main objective and without much planning the crusaders reach their goal.