Crusader knight

First Crusade

By Quass24
  • Period: Jan 1, 1095 to Jul 15, 1099

    First Crusade

    Warriors who didn't have any thing to fight for joined to the crusade to fight for the Holy Land.
  • Mar 3, 1095

    Emperor Alexius talks to Pope Urban

    Emperor Alexius talks to Pope Urban
    Credible Website 1 Emperor Alexius sends an embassy to talk about the massacres in Jerusalem and the threat of Turks to Constantinople and the rest of Europe.
  • Jul 4, 1096

    Troops Ready

    Armed forces gather for the First Crusade. They gathered at Constantinople
  • Aug 4, 1096

    Peoples Crusade Begins

    Emperor Alexius sends the peoples crusade to Bosphorus. This will later prove to be an unwise move
  • Oct 4, 1096

    Turks Destroy Peoples Crusade

    Turks Destroy Peoples Crusade
    Shortly after they are sent to Bosphorus the peoples crusade meets the Turks. The Turks make short work and annihlate the peoples crusade.
  • Mar 1, 1097

    Crusaders Gather Outside Constantinople

    Crusaders Gather Outside Constantinople
    Credible Site 2The crusaders ready their attack. This gathering will become one of the many victories on the way to Jerusalem.
  • Jun 3, 1097

    Seige of Nicacea

    The crusaders seige Niacea from May to June. This is a long endeavor that proves fruitful for the Crusaders.
  • Jul 3, 1097

    Battle of Dorylaeum

    Battle of Dorylaeum
    In July there is a big battle of Dorylaeum. This is another win for the Crusaders
  • Jun 5, 1098

    Capture of Anitoch

    Bohemond I lead the capture of Anitoch. This is a crucial win for the Crusaders.
  • Jun 13, 1099

    Crusaders Advance to Jerusalem

    Crusaders Advance to Jerusalem
    Raymond of Toulouse guides the crusaders down to Jerusalem. They make this move after the seige on Antioch
  • Jul 15, 1099

    Crusaders Get Jerusalem

    Crusaders Get Jerusalem
    After years of crusading the Crusaders capture Jerusalem. This was the main objective and without much planning the crusaders reach their goal.