Infancy-Emotional Development
What was your temperament like as a baby? I was a very calm baby and didn't cry much. -
Infancy-Physical Development
When did you start walking? I started walking when I was about 10 months old -
Infancy-Congnitive Development
Provide an example from your life (tell a story) that demonstrates at least one concept related to Piaget’s stages of cognitive development. Sensorimotor Stage-going from only have reflexes to starting to crawl, walk and explore the world -
Infancy-Emotional Development
Were you securely/insecurely attached to your primary caregiver? I was securely attached, very much so. -
Childhood- Physical Development
How often did you get physical exercise? What sort of activities did you do? What were your feelings regarding physical activity? Everyday, I would go out side and play with my friends like go to the playground -
Childhood-Physical Development
Using the monkey bars at the playground require fine motor skills and jumping on the trampoline utilizes gross motor skills. -
Early Childhood-Cognitive Development
What is one way you remember your parents and/or a teacher acting in a way that you know now helped your language acquisition? When I was in first grade I had to go to speech therapy and my mom would help me to pronounce words right. -
Early Childhood-Cognitive Development
Provide an example from your life (tell a story) that demonstrates at least one concept related to Piaget’s stages of cognitive development. Preoperational Stage- putting words together to form sentences that actually make sense. -
Early Childhood-Cognitive Development
What sorts of interests did you have as a young child? (2-4 years) toys, games, etc. Does this fit with the research on children’s concept formation and categorization? I was interested in sports and learning. It does because I was so involved with learning new information. -
Early Childhood-Emotional Development
How did family and friends/teachers describe you as a child? Was this the same or different from your infant temperament? They described me as bright, bubbly, quiet, calm and friendly. The quiet and calm parts of my temperament were still there. -
Early/Middle Childhood-Cognitive Development
Describe an experience that made you aware of a certain concept of intelligence. (What was this concept of intelligence? How did this affect the way you thought about intelligence and yourself?) When I was in 5th grade I was in the gifted program for children who did exceptionally well in school. We would go on field trips and do things separate from the other children in my class. I saw myself as smarter than other people and started to understand the different types of intelligence. -
Adolescence- Physical Development
Did you enter puberty early or late to your peers and do you think that had any effect on you? I entered later than my peers, I think it kept me from going out and being exposed to more mature things at an early age. -
Adolescence- Physical Development
How often did you get physical exercise? What sort of activities did you do? What were your feelings regarding physical activity? 5-6 times a week, I was involved in sports such as basketball and softball -
Adolescence-Physical Development
Basketball requires fine motor skills to dribble and cross over, gross motor skills to run. -
Adolescence-Cognitive Development
Provide an example from your life (tell a story) that demonstrates at least one concept related to Piaget’s stages of cognitive development. Concrete Operational-Being on a debate team and being able to give a logical argument with good reasoning, showing that my logical reasoning skills had improved. -
Middle and Late Childhood-Cognitive Development
Provide an example from your life (tell a story) that demonstrates at least one concept related to Piaget’s stages of cognitive development. Concrete Operations- Realizing how every family is different, how everyone grows up is different because everyone doesn't have the same circumstances was an eye opener to me and I remember realizing that around my middle school years. -
Adolescence-Emotional Development
How would Sternberg have described your most important relationship in adolescence? As being based off of infatuation. -
Adulthood-Physical Development
How often did you get physical exercise? What sort of activities did you do? What were your feelings regarding physical activity? twice a week, go to the gym, mostly cardio. I loved it -
Adulthood-Physical Development
What is your current level of physical activity? How do you feel about it? Maybe once a week, I just don't have as much free time to go every day -
Early Adulthood-Emotional Development
What classification of Sternberg’s relationship is most appropriate now? Consummate love. -
Adulthood-Physical Development
Lifting weights and aerobics requires some fine motor movements, cardio requires mostly gross motor movements. -
Early Adulthood-Cognitive Development
Provide an example from your life (tell a story) that demonstrates at least one concept related to Piaget’s stages of cognitive development. Formal Operations-having emotional competence, being able to understand my own emotions, others emotions and knowing how to act accordingly in certain situations. -
High School Graduation
Kappa Delta Initiation
Early Adulthood-Emotional Development
Think of your closest relationship now, whether that’s a friend, family member or romantic partner. How would you describe the attachment style? My closest relationship now is with my best friend and I would describe the attachment style as securely attached.