Final Project

By zaileal
  • Sleep Change

    When I was 4 months old, I slept for nearly 15-18 hours a day only waking up to drink milk. My parents were aware that infants are at high risk for SIDs so they made sure to place me properly on a soft yet firm bedding in a cool area on my back. My parents also placed a crib directly next to their bed so that I was close by when I woke up and that they didn’t risk injuring my while asleep. However, I was able to co sleep with my mom during the day. (Chapter 4; Section; 4.1; LO 4.3)
  • Mobility

    Around 5-6 months old, I was sitting up, holding my head up without support, rolling over, and crawling. By interacting with inanimate objects, I was able to enhance my gross and fine motor skills. By this age, I was grasping or reaching for objects that I was curious about. In order for me to get to those objects, I needed to crawl, turn over, sit up. I was told that my gross and fine motor skills developed quite rapidly.
    (Chapter 4; Section 4.3, LO4.6)
  • First taste

    At around 6 months old, I was introduced to solid foods. My mother started me on foods such as carrots, apples, beans, etc. My mother quickly realized that I preferred apples, pears and other fruits over vegetables and meats. In addition, my mother ate sweeter foods like fruits more often which is another reason why I adapted to sweeter tasting foods.
    (Chapter 3; Section 3.4; LO 3.11)
  • Birth

    I was born in August of 2000 on the east side of Kauai. My mother arrived at the hospital where she went into labor for more than 12 hours. At first, she proceeded with the birthing process via vaginal birth. However, doctors told her that the birthing process was failing to progress so both my mother and the doctors decided that the safest process would be to have a cesarean birth. I was born a healthy baby with a high Apgar score.
    (Chapter 3; Section3.1; LO 3.2)
  • first word

    In 2001, I was 1 year and 2 months old when I said my first word. My mother said I started making more constructed “oo-ing” sounds at the age of 1. As my family continued to encourage language development, they started to notice that I was picking up on words such as dada and mama. When I turned 14 months old, I was able to say dada and reach out to my father as if I knew exactly who he was. I was able to communicate to him through gestures and words. (Chapter 4; Section 4.6; LO 4.12)
  • First full sentence

    In 2002, I went from saying single words such as ``dada” repeatedly to saying words like '' What's that”. Not only was I able to learn three to four words per week, but I was able to infer the meanings of them and say multiple words together to form a little sentence. This is known as naming explosion as well as fast mapping where toddlers can understand how certain words relate to those they already know.
    (Chapter 5; Section 5.4; LO 5.9)
  • Toilet training

    From a few months old, my parents would familiarize me with toilet training. At around 2 years old, I began to understand when I needed to urinate and when I needed to defecate. With me understanding when I needed to use the bathroom, I was able to effectively communicate with my parents. This understanding came with a feeling of readiness which made it easier on me and my parents when I did need to be toilet trained.
    (Chapter 5; Section 5.2; LO5.4)
  • First playmate

    At 3 years old, I was introduced to other toddlers that same age. I was engaged in many different types of play such as parallel play when I knew that the other toddlers were playing the same games as me, we just didn’t acknowledge one another. I also engaged in simple social play where me and the other toddlers would share toys and talk to each other. I was told I took more to those I was familiar with and engaged in more advanced forms of play. (Chapter 5; Section 5.7; LO 5.17)
  • Growth spurt

    At around 6-7 years old, I weighed approximately 50 pounds and stood 48 inches tall. Me and my family designated a measuring wall so that every month I could measure my height and compare. I found that my weight increased by a few pounds while my height stayed the same. From 50 pounds I went up to 57 pounds within a couple of weeks. I was told that my weight wasn’t fat but more so muscle. (Chapter 6; Section 6.1; LO 6.1)
  • Hobbies

    When I was 8 years old, I was introduced to a sport called drag racing. I drove a single-cylinder mini dragster that went approximately 85 mph. I soon began to notice that my reaction time, body-coordination skills, and overall motor function increased. I was able to not only control a car going that fast at 8 years old, I was also able to improve my abilities and gain new skills
    (Chapter 6; Section 6.3; LO 6.5)
  • First full book

    At 8 years old, I gained so much knowledge from my third grade class. On thing that I remember clearly was reading a book all by myself for the very first time. Before the books, I found that my vocabulary was very condensed. I was able to understand different meaning for different words and how to properly format the wording. . Overall, reading helped me to understand pragmatics.
    (Chapter 7; Section 7.4; LO7.8)
  • First Intelligence Test

    In 2008, I was in the third grade where I learned most of my reading overall knowledge based skills. Standardized testing became mandatory in order for students to move on to another grade. At the end of the year, we were told to retake the test once more to see where our general intelligence was. This time I fell within the top 10 percentile within the class. The test used a bell curve to demonstrate whether a student was above average, in the middle or below. (Chapter 7; Section 7.3; LO7.7)
  • Social media device

    On my 9th birthday, I received a phone and a gaming system. After a few months, I noticed that I would have the TV on whilst playing a game on my phone and have another movie on. I also noticed that as the days went on, I became more and more addicted to social media thus leading to an increase in time played daily. Social media was found to be a valuable resource at times when needed however the pros and cons of using social media were equal.
    (Chapter 7; Section 7.7; LO 7.19)
  • First injury

    On a summer day in 2009, I was riding my bicycle in my family's garage. After about an hour, I started to become more reckless and ignored what my family kept telling me. I was told numerous times to slow down around turns. Of course I didn’t listen and my tire ended up hitting a large crack in the concrete. I then flew over my handlebars landing directly on my left hand causing a radial fracture. On the bright side, I did wear a helmet.
  • Middle-High school

    In 2011 I started middle school on the east side of Kauai and in 2014 I started high school. Throughout my years in both middle school and high school I found it very difficult to adjust to new schedules and social environments. Although I struggled with anxiety, I found it easier to overcome because the school had different curriculum for students that struggled. I learned many new skills such as communication which have helped me till this day.
    (Chapter 8; Section 8.4; LO 8.10)
  • First friends

    Growing up, I was always surrounded by peers my age. One year, I got especially close 2 girls in my class. We started to rely on one another heavily in a supportive sisterly way. We found a sense of intimacy which really mended us together as friends. As we grew up, we found that we started to spend less and less time together. Although we spend less time together, the closeness that we shared never veered.
    (Chapter 9; Section 9.8; LO 9.17)
  • First professional job

    In 2018, I applied for a job at a local medical center. I planned on getting a job to help pay for my college tuition as well as contributing to family survival. I will admit that most of my paycheck goes toward purchases such as eating out, clothing, and much more. However, I do feel that work does sometimes get in the way of my studies. But I have found ways to organize my time, manage my money and learn responsibility.
    (Chapter 8; Section 8.4; LO 8.12)
  • College

    I am currently attending a community college. I for one did not think that college was an option for me because I had many financial concerns. As of right now, I will be a college sophomore pursuing my dream of becoming a registered nurse. I took advantage of scholarship opportunities which is why I am able to attend college today. By going to college, I am able to apply for higher paying jobs, gaining new knowledge, skills and much more.
    (Chapter 9; Section 9.5; LO 9.9)