Felipe IV

  • 1605

    Felive IV was born.
  • 1615

    At age of 10, Felipe IV married Isabel de Borbón.
  • 1618-1648

    The Thirty Years' War was between 1618-1648. This war is considered the deadliest religious war in Europe. The war was conflicts between Catholics and Protestants and there were many countries involved. The valid of Felipe IV, the Count-Duke of Olivares, suggested that Spain get involved. Through the battle, several states gained religious freedom.
  • 1621

    After the unexpected death of Felipe III, Felipe IV accedes to the throne at the age of 16. His reign was the longest in the Austrian household.
  • 1643

    The battle of Rocroi marked the end of the political career of Count-Duke of Olivares due to the defeat of the Spanish Tercios by France.
  • 1644

    To weaken the Spanish power more than it already was, Portugal, France and England defeated the Spanish army. After the defeat, the independence of Portugal is recognized.
  • 1648

    Felipe IV recognizes the independence of the United Provinces with the Treaty of Westafalia.
  • 1649

    After the death of Isabel de Borbón, Felipe IV married Mariana of Austria.
  • 1659

    The Peace of the Pyrenees was a contract to end a conflict during the Thirty Years' War between Spain and France.
  • 1665

    Felipe IV dies.