When I was born, it was December 11, 1998 at 10:34 a.m ( California time). I was 6 pounds 4 ounces, and all I can say that I was pink. However, The story of how I was born seemed rushed. My mom and grandma was walking down the street and overcomed the house they were looking for. My mom helped signed papers because a couple days later my grandma had to visit Indiana to check on her daughter (my aunt). After a couples days, the house was bought, and the following days led to me being born. -
Period: to
History Of Me
The time of the 9/11 was traumatic for everyone. I remember watching my familiy grieve over the situation and people telling stories of how it effected them -
Sister's Birtth
After 5th Grade Winter Break
During my 5th grade class, we watch the first black president, live, get inaugurated into the white house. It was a sudden experience that we shall always show gratitude for, -
Meeting My Dad's Family
Moving Out Of California
Starting Life In Fort Wayne
First Day Of New School
Obama Reelection
My grandfather helped run for obama and we participated in creating campaigns to encourage voters. THis helped build a better relationship with my grandfather for the last time before we separated and he died -
Obama 2nd Term Election
Death Of Grandfather
The time my grandfather died made me realize life is at a minimum and you never know what can happen.