Birthday :'(
[ Day I was born ] -
First Time I Was Exposed To The Sound Of Television
The hospital I was born in was fairly new at the time and I think my mom was the only one giving birth at the hospital and she told me that there were people watching a game on the tv while she was there so I guess that counts? (unless she was lying ya know) -
Exposure To Radio and Music
Not really sure about the date but, when my parents brought me home I assume they had the radio on -
First Time I Was Exposed To The Internet/Laptop
Around this time my dad introduced me to youtube and I would always ask him if I could borrow his laptop to watch toy videos -
Got My First Smartphone
Not really my first phone but my first smartphone which I eventually stopped using cause it broke :'( -
Posted My First Video On To Social Media (Youtube)
After making a youtube acc I decided to pursue Youtube! then gave up after 4 years -
First Introduced To Social Media (Facebook) (Twitter)
For the past years my parents wouldn't really allow me to use Facebook but then I got their approval in 2015 after I was like "I'll just make it a fake name" -
Introduced To Editing Videos/photos
Not sure if this counts as media, but after I got my laptop in christmas 2015 I started editing videos and pictures to post on the internet for anyone to see -
[ B L O C K E D ]
Highlight of my life right there -
Introduced To Making Covers/Songs
And this is where I began making covers of songs to the website called "Soundcloud" where anyone can post songs for other people to see for free -
And this is me now!
Making music to post on social media such as Facebook, Youtube, and sometimes Soundcloud