Expansion Timeline 1800-1860

By BBahena
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    Underground Railroad

    The Underground Railroad, built in the early 1800's, was an escape route for slaves. White people who were sympathetic help the escapees giving them food, hiding places, and directionsto the next destination.
  • Missouri Compromise

    The Missouri Compromise solved the problem of the rapid settlement when Missouri petitioned to join the states. Under the Missouri Compromise, Missouri was admitted as a slave state while Maine was admitted as a free state.
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    Second Great Awakening

    American's attended revival meetings and joined churches in record numbers. The second great awakening launch a remarkable period known as the Reform Era.
  • Monroe Doctrine

    The Monroe Doctrine declared that America was off-limits to European colonization. It was a bold statement and showed growing spirit of nationalism.
  • Trails of Tears

    Many Cherokee people were forced to march to Indian Territory leaving they're south-east homes. Many people suffered and died symbolizing the term Trail of Tears.
  • The Bear Flag Revolt

    The Bear Flag Revolt was an incident in which rebels made a crude flag with a picture of a bear to declare that California was now the independent republic of California.
  • Gold Rush

    Begging in John Sutter's sawmill in northern California, a carpenter found gold. John tried to keep it a secret but soon the word spread out leading to a mass migration to California.
  • Treaty of Gudalupe Hildago

    The treaty ended the Mexican-American war; Mexico giving up its claim to Texas. Under the treaty, Mexico was also forced to cede a huge tract of land to the United States.
  • Seneca Falls Convention

    Lucretia Mott and Elizabeth Stanton organized the first women's rights convention which held to influence equality in politics and the workforce.