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Evolution of typewriter
The First Typewriter
The first patent for a typing device was the typo writer in 1852 by William Austin Burt. This took longer than hand writing, but it was more legiable. -
Remington’s Sholes & Glidden typewriter
This was the first documented and official typing devise. It was simialr to a sewing machine. -
Road to a standardized typewriter
After the sewing machine type wtiter was a sucsess, the conpressed it down into a smaller, desktop version. -
Hand Writing Ball
Reverend Rasmus Malling-Hansen created this devise in 1865, but it was not manufactured until 1870. -
Standard Typewriter
standard typewriter -
First Computer Keyboard
The first computer was as large as a room, and the keyboard was as large as a laptop today -
1960's typewriter
First PC
this was the first personal computer tha was for sale -
First Apple computer
first apple computer was created -
Innovations for the typewriter
people started improving on the mechanics of the typewriter -
Typewritter in the 1980's
Computer in the early 2000's
big clunky computer -
Today's computer