Evolution of Technology

By Dog189
  • Steam Driven Machine

    Steam Driven Machine
    Steam driven calculating machine made by Charles Babbage
  • Punch card system

    Punch card system
    Herman Hollerith invents a punch card system that can calculate the 1880 census
  • First computer that can solve 29 Equations simultaneosly

    First computer that can solve 29 Equations simultaneosly
    Attanasoff and his graduate student Clifford Barry design a computer that ca solve 29 equations simultaneosly
  • First calculator Made

    First calculator Made
    1943-1944 two university of Pennsylvania proffesors John Mauchly and J. Presper Eckret build the calculator and electronic numerical intergrator
  • First Intergrated Circuit

    First Intergrated Circuit
    John Kilby and Robert Noyce unveil the intergrated circuit known as the computer chip
  • First Random Acsses Memory Chip

    First Random Acsses Memory Chip
    The newly formed intel unvels the intel 1103 the first dynamic random acsses memory chip
  • First ever Floppy disk

    First ever Floppy disk
    Alan Shugart leads a taem of IBM engineers who invent the floppy disk allowing information to be shared among computers
  • Ethernet

    Robert Metcalfe a member of a reaserch team called xerox devolops ethernet for connecting multiple computers and other hardware
  • Apple 1 computer

    Apple 1 computer
    Steve Jobs and steve Wozniak start apple computers on April fools day and roll out hte Apple 1
  • Apple 2 computer

    Apple 2 computer
    Jobs and Wozniak incorporate Apple and make the Apple 2 at the first west coast computer faire
  • Macintosh

    Apple Lisa is the first persimal computer with a GUI.Then it soon evolves into the Macintosh
  • Gavillian SC laptop

    Gavillian SC laptop
    The gavillian SC is the first portable computer with the familiar flip form just like a laptop
  • Playstation 2

    Playstation 2
    In the year 2000 Sony released the Playstation 2
  • Iphone

    The iphone bribgs many computer functions to the smartphone
  • 1 Ipad

    1 Ipad
    Apple unveils the ipad which is made 2010