Zuse Z3 Computer
The Z3 is the first computer that was successfully built by German engineer Konard Zuse. The Z3 was used for aerodynamic calculations and uses binary arithmetic and has 22-bit word length and has 2,300 relays.
(http://www.computerhistory.org/timeline/computers/) -
The Atanasoff-Berry Computer
The Atanasoff-Berry Computer was the first electronic computer made by John Vincent Atanasoff and and his assistant, Clifford E. Berry.They started working on the computer in 1939 and almost complete in 1942.
(http://www4.ncsu.edu/~belail/The_Introduction_of_Electronic_Computing/Atanasoff-Berry_Computer.html) -
Unveiling of ENIAC
ENIAC is a computing system that was built by John Mauchly and J.Presper Eckert at Moore School of Electrical Engineering of the University of Pennsylvania.
(http://www.computerhistory.org/timeline/computers/) -
First Computer Program to Run on a Computer
The Small-Scale Experimental Machine (SSEM) was built to test a new memory technology known as the Williams Tube made by Frederic Williams and Tom Kilburn, researchers from the University of Manchester. The SSEM was developed by Frederic Williams, Tom Kilburn and Geoff Toothill, who all are researchers from the University of Manchester. The program was written by Kilburn and it consisted of seventeen instructions and was run on June 21, 1948.
(http://www.computerhistory.org/timeline/computers/) -
Direct Keyboard Input for Computer
Doug Ross used a Flexowriter, an electrically controlled typewriter and he plugged it to a computer and after five months of work he finally was able able to type directly to the computer than to use punch cards to type something. It made it easier and faster to get information to the computer.
(http://www.computerhistory.org/timeline/computers/) -
CDC 6600 Super Computer
The Control Data Corporation was the fastest computer.Its was 3 times faster than any other computer at the time.It can follow up to 3 million instructions per second.
(http://www.computerhistory.org/timeline/computers/) -
Xerox PARC Alto Computer
The Xerox PARC was the first computer to have a grahical user interface.It also had the capability to share files and print out documents.It was an inspiration of many new computers.
(http://www.computerhistory.org/timeline/computers/) -
The Lisa Computer by Apple
The Lisa was the first personal computer with a GUI(Grahical User Interface). Its was inspired by the work of Xerox Palo Alto Research Center.
(http://www.computerhistory.org/timeline/computers/) -
The Machintosh was the first computer to be mouse driven with a GUI. MacPaint and MacWrite were some of the applications on the Macinstosh made the mouse more useful.
(http://www.computerhistory.org/timeline/computers/) -
Macintosh Potable
THe Macintosh Portable was the first computer that was portable but its sales were weak because even thoough its is called protable it was to heavy to carry so this product didn't last long.
(http://www.computerhistory.org/timeline/computers/) -
MacBook Air
The MacBook Air is an alight, thin computer that has high capacity battery.After many generations of the Macintosh Portable to the MacBook, Apple tries to make their products weigh less and feel thinner and at the same time have many applications