The Punch Card Tabulating Machine and Sorter
Invented by Dr. Herman Hollerith. It was one of the early computers and the first electromechanical machine that could read punch cards. Thanks to this machine the 1890 census was able to be done in 2 1/2 years instead of the previous 10 years because all the data did not have to entered manually anymore. -
HP 200A Audio Oscillator
Hewlett Packard is founded and their first product, the HP 200A Audio Oscillator is released. This was an instrument that generated one pure tone or frequency at a time and it was used as sound effect generators for Walt Disney Pictures -
The Complex Number Calculator (CNC)
Designed by scientist George Stibitz and completed by Bell Telephone Laboratories. It was able to do calculations of complex numbers and It was the first computing machine ever used remotely. -
Zuse finishes the Z3 Computer
Built by German engineer Konrad Zuse, It was the world's first working programmable, fully automatic digital computer. This computer was used to decript Nazi military communications. -
Construction of this computer started in secret in 1943 but was actually not completed until 1946. This was the first general purpose computer. It was developed to compute artillery firing tables during WWII for the US Army. The task of computing artillery firing tables would originally take a human 40 hours to complete, the ENIAC computer could complete these kinds of tasks in less than two minutes. -
Prior to the invention of transistors computer technology relied on vacuum tubes as semiconductors however it consumed a lot of power. The transistor was invented and the vacuum tubes were replaced. The transistor allowed for second generation computers to be physically smaller, more energy efficient and less expensive. -
Integrated Circuits
Also known as the Microchip or Sillicon Chip, it was invented by Jack Kilby and Robert Noyce. This new technology allowed for computers to be even smaller as they were very compact. Making them was cost effective and they performed better because they required less power. There were no more wires or separate components, all the parts were made out of the same block of material so there was no need to make them manually. This allowed the manufacturing process to be automated. -
The Mouse
Invented by Douglas Engelbart this was one of the first input devices invented. This device was to be used with the graphical user interfase "Windows" and it used knife edge wheels, had one button, was able to tilt from side to side and draw straight, horizontal or vertical lines. It was nicknamed the mouse because of the connecting wire that was attached to the end of the device. -
The First Laptop Computer
The GRiD Compass 1109 was the first laptop computer. Mostly it was used by NASA in their space shuttle explorations. It was light and made out of magnesium alloy. First computer to have the screen fold flat to the rest of the computer when closed. -
The First Home Computer - Altair 8800
Considered the first home computer, it was a kit that you could put together at home. It did not come with a keyboard, a programming language or a monitor but it did come with a microprocessor. In order to input data you would have to flip a series of switches and lights. -
Personal Digital Assistants
The Palm Pilot was one of the first sucessful handheld computer technologies of its time. It was the first of its kind to have handwritting recognition software which they called "Graffiti" and it was an electronic organizer that would sync with your computer. It had the capability to store your contacts, appointments, to do lists etc. and was small enough to fit in your purse or pocket. The downside of the earlier versions was that it was powered by AAA batteries. -
Apple iPhone
The Apple iPhone was the first device that allowed you to have a web interface, listen and download music and would also work as a phone. It had a touch screen which was a new technology at the time and also had features like a navigation system, a camera, calendar and weather built in. This device sold for $499 for the 8 GB model. -
Biological Transistors
Developed by Jerome Bonne at Standford University, these biological transistors are the first step to a biological computer that could potentially be used to monitor and study cells from the inside and control the to prevent disease. These can also be used as a diagnostic tool. This technology still very experimental but it is the first step to potentially obviating the use of many pharmaceutical drugs. -
The Apple Watch
Is a device that tracks your daily activity and fitness levels. It is capable of checking your email, get notifications, texts, paying for groceries, take phone calls, maps, play music and of course tell time. This technology is controlled by the sound of your voice and also has a touch screen. The most basic of the availalble models retails for about $350.00