she sacrificed her degrees and a lot of her future just to raise me and my brother and i’m so grateful for that. she taught me and my brother how to treat others with respect and that she’s always on our side. -
my dad always listens to me talk, even though sometimes they’re not things he likes to listen to and i really appreciate that. he’s taught me and my brother to be hardworking, compassionate, and responsible. -
brother - andrew
taught me that i shouldn’t give up on my dreams. he’s an aspiring medic and has been my role model for all of my life and always inspires me to work hard and achieve my dreams. -
second JCIAC lesson
JCIAC is an art therapy center for the elderly suffering from dementia. jasmine and i spent a long time planning and during our second session, all of the elderly really enjoyed it. this taught me how much hard work and sincerity mattered when interacting with others. -
dad slapped my hands
i can’t remember exactly when this happened, but my dad used to slap my hands when i did something bad. it hurt a lot, but every time after it happened, my dad would tell me “don’t do this again, because it doesn’t only hurt you, it hurts me as well.” it was from then on that i tried to do be the best i could for my parents, though as a teen, sometimes that’s hard with all my mood swings. -
renewed my faith in God and was able to see how God’s love transformed the lives of others being baptised with me. the man being baptised before me had holes in his brain and that was devastating to him as a lawyer. somehow, miraculously, the holes closed up and no science could have explained that. -
sunday school teacher, soma
taught me that as a leader, she was someone i could rely on and was a role model for me in my faith. -
emily ng
emily basically shaped most of who i am today. we were in all the same homeroom classes starting from 3rd grade and she taught me how to build up my character and that it’s ok to say no sometimes. she’s a really hard worker and she inspires me to strive to do my best. -
changed schools to ics
adjusted to new environments and taught me what it was like to grow up with people of faith. -
tori kelly
used her platform as a celebrity in the music industry to teach me that Jesus is what i should be living for, even if i’m surrounded by an environment full of sin. -
3rd grade sports day
my mom caught me lying about not buying a candy bar and it taught me that telling the truth, even though i’d done the wrong thing, was always the better option. nowadays i still have trouble lying without a guilty conscience. -
jasmine lai
jasmine’s really talented and kind and always does her best to help others. she’s my partner in crime in just about everything and she’s inspired me and taught me that even when i think i might be alone, i never really will be. -
rhonda tse
from elementary, i’ve trusted rhonda with some of the hardest things i’ve been through. she’s always there to comfort me and make me laugh and she’s taught me to always see the best in people. -
moved to toronto for half a year
adjusted to a completely new environment and taught me how to interact with different people from diverse backgrounds. -
used their platform to teach me how to learn to love others and love myself and inspired me to work hard -
pastor - ken shigematsu
my pastor who taught me that loving Jesus is more than a one-time thing. he taught me that in the hard times, God always delivers and cares for us nevertheless. -
mom's first surgery
taught me that there are going to be rocky roads but no matter what the outcome, God is still there. she told me that before she was anesthetized, she placed her whole trust in God and accepted wherever it was that He'd take her. -
uncle passed away
taught me how to cope with loss, to love others more when i still can, and that God is with us through the hardships in our lives and that he’ll never leave us. -
showed me how God transformed the lives of students just like me and taught me how to personally open up to others. i’d never felt God’s presence more than i did those few days during the retreat. -
meeting with JCIAC
i wanted to find something i genuinely wanted to do for MAD so i prayed and God sent a message my way. the next day, a center called JCIAC stopped us right outside of Kings Wing. this taught me that God is always listening and that I should learn to listen as well