Europe and USA

  • Julius and Ethel Rosenberg sentenced to death for passing atomic secrets to Russians

    Julius and Ethel Rosenberg sentenced to death for passing atomic secrets to Russians
    This event affected the future. It did this by breaking the trust in the friendship between the Russians and the Americans. These ties are still not as tight. It also affected the future because Russia most likely used some of the information to create their atomic bomb. So, now a nuclear war is more likely. There is also now agreements between countries to not use their nukes. Finally, people have to be afraid of insane leaders blowing us up. The future has been affected by this event.
  • Julius and Ethel Rosenberg sentenced to death for passing atomic secrets to Russians

    Julius and Ethel Rosenberg sentenced to death for passing atomic secrets to Russians
    This event is a big event in history. This is because it is one of the first occurences of this type of conspiracy in the 20th century. They were said to be accusing people of everything but treason. This also could have been a huge help to Russia coming out with their atomic bomb that would come out two years later. This is also a big event because of the punishment they recieved. They recieved the punishment of electric chair. The man was then his wife. This had a great effect on history.
  • Julius and Ethel Rosenberg sentenced to death

    Julius and Ethel Rosenberg sentenced to death
  • Vladimir Putin is Born

    Vladimir Putin is Born
    Vladimir Putin being born is a big historical event. Things that make him being born big include the fact that he is a world leader now. Also he has been a president for three terms. While he was not a president he was Prime Minister. Finally he has also been one of the most powerful leaders of Russia. He has taken over or threatened to take over places such as Poland and Ukraine. Vladimir Putin being born is an important event to history.
  • Vladimir Putin is Born

    Vladimir Putin is Born
    Vladimir being born also affected the future. One way it affected the future is that the land of Russia is now different. Russia now includes part of Ukraine, Crimea. This also showed other leaders like Korea's what they can be like and geve them these bad ideas such as you don't need to work with other countries. Another person who is taking after him is Donald Trump. He has now also added to discrimination with his anti-gay legeslation that he passed. The future was affected by his birth.
  • Vladimir Putin is Born

    Vladimir Putin is Born
  • DNA Double Helix Discovered

    DNA Double Helix Discovered
    This event affected the future. It affected the future because now we are thinking of something like making bigger plants. That is when they take plants and make bigger better plants. The next thing it did was helping us clone. This made Dolly the sheep possible.The last thing it did was inspire may scientists to make discoveries such as the discovery of mars water. The future was affected by this event.
  • DNA Double Helix Discovered

    DNA Double Helix Discovered
  • DNA Double Helix Discovered

    DNA Double Helix Discovered
    This event affected history.One way it did this was answering a huge question of what our DNA looks like.This was a question since we found out about DNA.The next way is it opened doors to new discoveries.These people who figured it out made it so right away people wanted to figure out more and go deeper.Finally it affected the past when it brought four scientist together with their discoveries making it so we new everything we thought possible about DNA.The future was affected by this event.
  • Rosa Parks

    Rosa Parks
    This event was very imprtant. Rosa park refused to give up her seat to a white man. This event sparked an event boycotting racism. This then changed the U.S.A. Racism on busses was ended because of this event. She was then put in jail because of this. Rosa Parks refused to give up her seat which changed the country forever. This event was very important to our history.
  • Rosa Parks

    Rosa Parks
    This event majorly affected today. Rosa Parks had started a three month boycott. She had also been sent to jail. This event affects today because there is no longer racial segregation. This happened because of the three month boycott. This led to another thing and soon there was not racial segregation. People no longer have to deal with not being treated fairly. Rosa Park's actions changed America.
  • Rosa Parks

    Rosa Parks
  • 13-month Boycott of the City’s Buses by its Black Citizens

    13-month Boycott of the City’s Buses by its Black Citizens
    could make a difference and should/could stand up for themselves.This event has affected history.
  • 13-month Boycott of the City’s Buses by its Black Citizens

    13-month Boycott of the City’s Buses by its Black Citizens
    This boycott affected history. A way it affected history was that it was one of the biggest moves against segregation. That's the division of two people and discrimination against one side.This also was one of the kickoffs for the civil rights movement.Next, it made one of the biggest people in history, Rosa Parks. She was the one who started the boycott when she didn't give up her seat to a white man. FInally it made an event for history because it made it so others felt that... continued next
  • 13-month Boycott of the City’s Buses by its Black Citizens

    13-month Boycott of the City’s Buses by its Black Citizens
    This event effected the future. One way it did this is that people black and white are treated as equals. Another way is that it helped the trend of protists/boycotts continue. These have also gotten much bigger and more violent. The next way it did it was that it made it so more people are willing to stand up. People do it for both themselves and eachother now. The future was affected by this event.
  • Space age begins

    Space age begins
    The space age began in 1957. This event is very important to European history. It is important because during this period of time we have learned much information about the Earth. We also sent the first man to space in this period of time. This mission was the Apollo 11 mission.The space age was kick started by the launching of the Russian satalite Sputnik. The space age began in 1957. This was a major event in European history.
  • Space age begins

    Space age begins
  • Space age begins

    Space age begins
    This event affects present day. This event is the Space age begining. This affects present day because now we can make discoveries in space very often. We can do this with the technology we have discovered during the space age. It is also the age we are currently in. During this age we put the first man into space. We could do this thanks to the technology from the space age. This event affects the present day.
  • Ussr launches sputnik

    Ussr launches sputnik
    This event is very important to European history. It is important because it began the space age. Not only did it begin the space age but it was the first time a artificial satalite was launched. Europe also now had the technology to launch more satalites. This helped us to learn more about the Earth. We have learned a lot of information because of this technology. This kick started the space age.This event was very helpful to history and Europe.
  • Ussr launches sputnik

    Ussr launches sputnik
    This event affected present day. This event was the Ussr launching sputnik. We now know more about space and what is out there. We also now have the technology to launch more satalites. This was also the kick starter to launching more. It was also the kick starter to the race to space. This event affected present day. It kick started a lot having to do with space.
  • USSR Launched Sputnik

    USSR Launched Sputnik
  • Alaska is added

    Alaska is added
    Alaska being added affected the USA. For example, it increased the value of our economy. This is because of the added land. We also have more teritory. Alaska has also had many oil spills. This affects present day because we had to use money to clean it up. Alaska is also very rich in natural resources. Alaska being added affects today.
  • Alaska is added

    Alaska is added
  • Alaska was added

    Alaska was added
    Alaska being added was a very important event. It became the 49th state to be added on January 3, 1959. It was soon followed by Hawii on August 29th. This event is important because it changed America. It did this in a literal way by adding a state. It is now our largest state. Alaska is also rich in natural resources. This makes it a very important add on to the US. It caused us to discover a lot of gold and oil. We have also had a major oil spill there. Alaska being joined was a major event.
  • Hawaii is added

    Hawaii is added
    Hawaii being added was a very important event in our history. This happened on August 29, 1959. On this day Hawaii was singed into the United states. This is important to our history because it became our 50th state. It also has many tourist attractions that affect the future. Hawaii was also attacked by Japan in WWII. This got us involved in WWII and we had to expend troops to fight. Hawaii being added is very impotant to our history.
  • Hawaii is added

    Hawaii is added
    Hawaii being added affects present day. For example, we used it as a major naval base. This was attacked by Japan and was destroyed. The tourism of our country also went way up because of the beutiful beaches. This then improves the economy. We also get many pineapples from this island. These would be more expensive and rare if they were not. Hawaii being added is a major event in our history.
  • Hawaii being added

    Hawaii being added
  • The First Man to Climb Everest

    The First Man to Climb Everest
    The first man climbing Everest affected history.For one, it gave the people hope to keep going because of the war going on. It gave people a sense of being able to do the impossible and conquer the highest peak.It also inspired many people to reach for the sky and push limits, to raise the bar. It caused many people to try to climb Everest.This resulted in deaths because people thought if they can do it I can to.Some died trying to climb it, but not all. Climbing Mt. Everest affected history.
  • The first man to climb Everest

    The first man to climb Everest
    This event affected the future. The way it was affected was that people now feel that this mountain is conquerable including a blind man. It also made more people believe in themselves. This includes the man who broke the sound barrier.The final way is that people have made movies and other media types off the excursions of their trips .Some of these making billions in revenue. The future was affected by this event.
  • The first man climbs Everest

    The first man climbs Everest