• 1469

    Fernando Aragoikoaren eta Isabel Gaztelakoaren arteko ezkontza

    Gaztelaren eta Aragoiren batasunaren iturburua Gaztelako Isabelen eta Aragoiko Fernandoren arteko ezkontza.
  • 1469

    Errege Katolikoen erregealdia

    Fernando Aragoikoaren eta Isabel Gaztelakoaren arteko
    ezkontza Gaztela eta Aragoi batu ziren, Espainia sortzen.
  • 1478

    Espainiako Inkisizioaren sorrera

    Espainiako Inkisizioa edo Inkisizioaren Ofizio Santuaren Auzitegia 1478an Errege Katolikoek beren erreinuetan ortodoxia katolikoa mantentzeko sortu zuten erakundea izan zen.
  • 1492

    Colónen lehenengo bidaia

    Caribeko irla batzuetara ailegatu zen adibidez: Guanahaní, Cuba eta Santo Domingo
  • 1492

    Juduen kanporaketa

    Gaztelan eta Aragoin, Errege Katolikoek Granadako Ediktuaren bidez, dekretuaren arabera kristau berriengan eragina izaten jarraitzea eragozteko, judutarrek judutar izan zitezen.
  • 1492

    Granadaren konkista

    Errege-erregina Katolikoek, egindako kanpaina militarra, Iberiar penintsulan musulmanen nagusitasunari amaiera emateko. Espainiako Nazariko emirerriaren azken gotorlekua.
  • 1504

    Isabel Gaztelakoaren heriotza

    Isabel I.a Gaztelakoa Gaztelako erregina izan zen 1474tik 1504ra, Siziliako erregina ezkontidea 1469tik eta Aragoikokoa 1479tik, Fernando Aragoikoarekin ezkonduta. Bizkaiko Dama ere izan zen.
  • 1512

    Nafarroaren konkista

    1512an Fernando Katolikoa Aragoiko erregeak Nafarroako erresumaren behin betiko inbasioa erabaki zuen, udan zehar nahiko azkar egin zuena, baina erresistentzia ezberdinekin
  • 1516

    Fernando Aragoikoaren erregealdia

    Aragoi, Gaztela, Sizilia, Napoli, Sardinia eta Nafarroako erregea izan zen. 1507 eta 1516 artean ere Gaztelako Koroaren errejidore izan zen, bere alaba Juana I.a inhabilitatu zelako, Felipe el Hermoso hil ondoren.
  • 1516

    Karlos I.a Espainiako errege bihurtzea

    Karlos I 1516 izan zen Espainako erregea.
  • Philip III of Spain

    He was king of Portugal aswell as Spanish. They called him "El Piedoso"
  • Galileo proves the earth rotates around the sun

    In that era they thought the sun was the one that orbited the earth nuy Galileo discovered
  • 30 years war

    The war os 30 years started
  • Peace of westphalia

    The war of 30 years finished
  • Charles II

    He became king at 4 and he died at the age of 39
  • Spanish war of succession

    Spanish war of succession
    The War of the Spanish Succession was an international war that lasted from 1701 until the signing of the Treaty of Utrecht in 1713.
  • Treaty of utrech

    Treaty of utrech
    It is a set of treaties signed by the antagonist states in the War of the Spanish Succession between the years 1713 and 1715 in the Dutch city of Utrecht and the German city of Rastatt.
  • Lous XIV death

    Lous XIV death
    His health started to decline on 10 August 1715 upon his return from a hunting trip in Marly, when he felt sharp pains in his leg. Fagon, his doctor, diagnosed sciatica. But the pain was always in the same place, and shortly afterwards black marks appeared, indicating senile gangrene.
  • First industrial revolution

    First industrial revolution
    The First Industrial Revolution began in England in about 1750–1760 that lasted to sometime between 1820 and 1840. It is one of the most distinguished turning points in human history.
  • Didert and alamber enciclopedie

    Didert and alamber enciclopedie
    The Encyclopédie was a project to systematize knowledge that brought together some of the best intellectuals of its time, with the intention of disseminating the principles of universality, truth, humanity, autonomy of reason, and secularism. Between 1751 and 1772.
  • 7 years war

    7 years war
    The Seven Years' War was a series of international conflicts between early 1756 and late 1763 to establish control over Silesia and for colonial supremacy in North America and India.
  • Americ revolution

    Americ revolution
    The American Revolution was an ideological and political revolution based on the principles of the American Enlightenment that generally occurred in British America between 1765 and 1789.
  • French revolution

    French revolution
    The French Revolution was a social and political conflict, with various periods of violence, that convulsed France and, by extension of its implications, other nations in Europe that faced supporters and opponents of the system known as the Ancien Regime.
  • Eduard Jea

    Eduard Jea
    The basis for vaccination began in 1796 when the English doctor Edward Jenner noticed that milkmaids who had gotten cowpox were protected from smallpox.