Errege katolikoen ezkontza
Fernando Aragoikoaren eta Isabel Gaztelakoaren arteko
ezkontza Gaztela eta Aragoi batu ziren, Espainia sortzen. -
Period: 1474 to 1516
Errege Katolikoen erregealdia
Gaztela eta Aragoi batu ziren
Kolonek bere lehen bidaia egin zuen
Granada konkistatu zuten
Juduak kanporatu zituzten -
Espainiako Inkisizioaren sorrera
Sixto IV.a aita santuak errege katolikoen eskariz emandako bulda bidez sortutako erakundea izan zen, heresiei aurre egiteko eta fede katolikoaren ortodoxia beren lurraldeetan babesteko. -
Juduen kanporaketa
Gaztelan eta Aragoin, Errege Katolikoek Granadako Ediktuaren bidez, dekretuaren arabera kristau berriengan eragina izaten jarraitzea eragozteko, judutarrek judutar izan zitezen. -
Colónen lehenengo bidaia
Lehen bidaia Palosko portutik itsasoratzean, eta Ameriketako lurra zapaldu zuen Bahamak aurkitu zituenean, bere egunerokoan lekua lurreko paradisu gisa izendatuz. -
Granadaren konkista
Errege-erregina Katolikoek, egindako kanpaina militarra, Iberiar penintsulan musulmanen nagusitasunari amaiera emateko. Espainiako Nazariko emirerriaren azken gotorlekua. -
Isabel Gaztelakoaren heriotza
Isabelek 1474an hartu zuen Gaztelako tronua. Hogeita hamar urte geroago, 1504ko azaroaren 26an, Medina del Campon hil zen. Iturrien arabera, umetokiko minbiziak eragindako hidropesia baten ondorioz hil zen. -
Period: 1504 to 1516
Fernando Aragoikoaren erregealdia
Isabel hil zenean, bere alaba Juana eta bere senarra Felipe Habsburgokoa, Gaztelako tronua hartu zuten. Baina Felipe hil hondoren Juana soratuta zegoela esan zuten eta konbentu batean zartu zuten. Horren hondoren Fernandok hartu zuen gaztelako gobernua hil zen arte. Gero bere biloba, Carlos, bihurtu zen Espainiako errege. -
Nafarroaren konkista
1512an Fernando Katolikoa Aragoiko erregeak Nafarroako erresumaren behin betiko inbasioa erabaki zuen, udan zehar nahiko azkar egin zuena, baina erresistentzia ezberdinekin -
Karlos I.a Espainiako errege bihurtzea
Aliantza dinastiko eta heriotza goiztiar batzuek hogei urteko gazte bat Europako monarka boteretsuena bihurtu zuten. -
Period: 1516 to 1556
Karlos I.aren erregealdia
Karlos Espainiako errege izan zen, eta Alemaniako enperadore. Erasmismoak bere erregealdiaren lehen aldian eraginda, kristau inperio unibertsal baten hasiera egia bihurtzen saiatu zen -
Period: 1520 to 1522
Komuneroen matxinada
Gaztelako Komunitateen Gerra, edo komuneroen matxinada, Karlos I.aren erregealdian gertatu zen. Altxamendu armatua izan zen, Gaztelako barnealdeko hirietatik zetozen komuneroak deiturikoak protagonista zituena, Toledo eta Valladolid altxamenduaren buruan kokatuz. -
Espainiako Karlos I.a Germaniar Inperioko enperadore bihurtzea (Karlos V.a izenarekin)
Karlos V.a Germaniar Erromatar Inperio Santuko enperadore koroatu zuen Klemente VII.a Aita Santuak Boloniako San Petronio Basilikan 1530eko otsailaren 24an. Aita Santu batek koroatu zuen Germaniako Erromatar Inperio Santuko azken enperadorea izan zen. -
Period: 1556 to
Felipe II.aren erregealdia
Felipe II.aren erregealdiak Europako potentzia handieneko titulua eman zion Espainiari, eta, beharbada, bere garaiko herrialderik boteretsuena. Errege honek ezarri zuen hiriburua Madrilen 1560an. Historialari askorentzat, Felipe II.a izan zen monarkia hispanikoa edo hispaniarra eratu zuena -
Lepantoko gudua
Mendebaldeko historiako itsas batailarik handiena izan zen antzinate klasikotik, 400 gerraontzi baino gehiagorekin. Turkiar otomandarrek koalizio kristau baten aurka egin zuten, Liga Santua izenekoa, Aita Santuak, Veneziako Errepublikak eta Felipe II.aren monarkiak osatua. -
Felipe II.ak Portugal eskuratzea
Felipe II.a Espainiakoa Portugalgo errege izendatu zuten 1581eko Tomoko Gorteetan. -
Piliph III of Spain
He was born on April 14, 1578 in Madrid. Son of Philip II and his fourth wife, Anne of Austria. He was proclaimed king on the same day of his father's death, September 13, 1598; With him began the decline of the Austrian monarchy, the decline of Spain and the period of the Government of the favorites. -
30 years War
The Thirty Years' War was a war fought in Central Europe between 1618 and 1648, in which most of the great European powers of the time intervened. This war marked the future of Europe as a whole in the following centuries. -
Piliph IV of Spain
Philip IV (Valladolid, 1605 - Madrid, 1665), son of Philip III and Margaret of Austria, reigned between 1621 and 1665, after the unexpected death of his father on March 31, when he had just turned 16. In 1608 he was sworn in as prince and future king of Spain (a concept that included Portugal, with its extensive empire). -
Galileo proves the Earth orbits around the Sun
The observations of the sky made using the telescope showed Galileo that the objections to the Copernican theory, according to which the Earth and the planets revolved around the Sun, lacked foundation. -
Peace of Westphalia
Between January and October 1648, which put an end to the Thirty and Eighty Years' Wars and laid the foundations for the new order -
Charles II of Spain
Charles II, also called the Bewitched, was born on November 6, 1661. He was the son of Philip IV and Mariana of Austria. Upon the death of his father he inherited all the possessions of the Spanish Habsburgs, including Sicily. He was king of Spain from 1665 to 1700. -
Spanish War of Succession
The War of the Spanish Succession was an international conflict over the succession to the throne of Spain after the death of Charles II, which lasted from 1703 to 1713, although in Catalonia it lasted until 1714 and in Mallorca until 1715. It led to the establishment of the Bourbons in Spain. -
Treaty of Utrecht
The Treaty of Utrecht, also known as the Peace of Utrecht or the Treaties of Utrecht and Rastatt, is a series of multilateral treaties signed by the belligerent countries in the War of the Spanish Succession between the years 1712 and 1714 in those cities of the Netherlands and Germany. , respectively. -
Louis XIV's dead
Called the Sun King.
Louis XIV represented the zenith of French absolutism, summarized in the phrase “the State is I”, an apocryphal statement attributed to the French monarch. -
Diderot and d'Alembert: encyclopedia
It is known colloquially as the "Encyclopedia of Diderot and d'Alembert." Its purpose was to gather and disseminate, in a clear and accessible text, the fruits of knowledge and wisdom accumulated until then in the light of reason. -
7 Years War
The Seven Years' War was a series of international conflicts that occurred between early 1756 and late 1763 to establish control over Silesia and for colonial supremacy in North America and India. -
First industrial revolution
The First Industrial Revolution began in the United Kingdom, specifically in the year 1760, thanks to scientific advances that were combined with a search for new production methods, subsequently spreading to the rest of Europe and the United States. -
American revolution
The American Revolutionary War was a war that pitted the original Thirteen British Colonies in North America against the Kingdom of Great Britain. It occurred between 1775 and 1783, ending with the British defeat at the Battle of Yorktown and the signing of the Treaty of Paris. -
French Revolution
The French Revolution was a social and political process that developed in France between 1789 and 1799 whose main consequences were the abolition of the absolute monarchy and the proclamation of the Republic, eliminating the economic and social bases of the Old Regime. -
Edward Jenner's vaccine
El Dr. Edward Jenner descubre que la vacunación con el virus de la viruela vacuna protege a una persona de la infección de la viruela y crea la vacuna contra la viruela.