Period: 1452 to 1516
Fernando Aragoikoaren erregealdia
Bere emaztea hil zenean bere alaba tronua hartu zuen baina bera oraindik zen erregea -
Fernando Aragoikoaren eta Isabel Gaztelakoaren arteko ezkontza
Ezkontza hori esker Gaztela eta Aragoi erresumak batu ziren. -
Period: 1475 to 1504
Errege Katolikoen erregealdia
Gaztela eta Aragoi batu zirela. Musulmanen rekonkista buka tu zuten eta juduak Hispainiatik bota zituzten. -
Espainiako Inkisizioaren sorrera
Errege katolikoak sortu zuten -
Period: 1482 to 1492
Granadaren konkista
Errege katolikoak konkistatu zute musulmanek kendutako lurraldeak -
Juduen kanporaketa
Errege katolikoak firmatu zuten juduak kanporatzea -
Colónen lehenengo bidaia
Colón Amerikara aurkitu zuen -
Isabel Gaztelakoaren heriotza
Erregina hil zen -
Period: 1512 to 1529
Nafarroaren konkista
errege katolikoak nafarroa konkistatu zuten -
Karlos I.a Espainiako errege bihurtzea
Joanaren semea, Karlos, Espainiako eta Erromatar-Germaniar Inperio Santuko erregea izan zen. Historiako inperiorik handienetakoa sortu zuen. -
Period: 1516 to 1558
Karlos I.aren erregealdia
Karlos I.a erregealdia hau iraundu zuen -
Espainiako Karlos I.a Germaniar Inperioko enperadore bihurtzea (Karlos V.a izenarekin)
Erromatar-Germaniar Inperio Santuko erregea izan zen. Historiako inperiorik handienetakoa sortu zuen. -
Period: 1520 to 1521
Komuneroen matxinada
Komuneroak nahi zuten ipini errege espainol bat izatea edo bere ezaugarrietan sartzea -
Period: 1556 to
Felipe II.aren erregealdia
Hau iraun zuen Felipe II.aren erregealdia -
Lepantoko gudua
Kristauak turkiarrei garaitu zuten -
Period: 1580 to
Felipe II.ak Portugal eskuratzea
Felipe II.na Portugal eskuratu nahi zuen eta lortu zuen. -
Philip III (Spain)
He is the son of Philip II and Ana of Austria.He was the king of Spain and Portugal from 1598 to 1621. -
30 years War
It was a political-religious war. That took place in Central Europe, in which the main European powers of the first half of the 17th century participated -
Philip IV (Spain)
He was the son of Philip III and Margarita of Austria.
He was the king of Spain and Portugal. -
Galileo proves the Earth orbits around the Sun
The observations of the sky made using the telescope showed Galileo that the objections to the Copernican theory, according to which the Earth and the planets revolved around the Sun, lacked foundation. -
Peace of Westphalia
Refers to a series of multilateral treaties signed in the region of Westphalia, specifically in the German towns of Münster and Osnabrück, which put an end to the Thirty and Eighty Years' Wars and which established the foundations of the new order. -
Charles II
He was the king of Spain from 1665 to 1700 and his parents are Philip IV and Mariana of Austria. -
Period: to
Spanish War of Succession
This war was international and they during 12 years. The war is finished after sign the Utrech treaty -
Treaty of Utreach
The Treaty of Utreach was sign on netherlands. -
Louis XIV's death
He born in 1638 and he dead in 1715.He governed since 72 years. -
Diderot and d'Alembert
This perons are the creators of the encyclopedia. This is the date of the first encyclopedia left. -
America Revolution
Period: to
7 year's War
This was a international conflict and this provocated the weakening of French and strenthening of England -
French revolution
This revolution was politically and social. It for change estates. -
Edward Jenner's vaccine
He discovered the antidot of the smallpox